Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=North America Colorado River)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A study of Colorado River water quality near Yuma, Arizona / 1961
Ammonia investigations in the Colorado River, Grand Junction and Fruita, Colorado / 1979
Analysis of water quality and proposed water quality standards for Lake Mead and the Lower Colorado River / 1970
Best management practices for salinity control in Grand Valley / 1978
Capture locations of rare fish in the upper Colorado River system / 1979
Characteristics and trends of streamflow and dissolved solids in the upper Colorado River Basin, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming / 1989
Colorado River basin study : final report : report to the Western Water Policy Review Advisory Commission / 1997
Colorado River Basin water problems : how to reduce their impact : report to the Congress / 1979
Colorado River Salinity Control Program : Federal Accomplishments Report for Fiscal Year 1993 / 1993
Computer simulation of the hydrologic-salinity flow system within the Upper Colorado River Basin, 1970
Conference in the matter of pollution of the interstate waters of the Colorado River and its tributaries : fifth session, Las Vegas, Nevada, May 26, 1964. 1964
Conference in the matter of Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Colorado River and Its Tributaries : transcript of proceedings, July 26, 1967 : sixth session Denver, Colorado. 1967
Contested waters : an environmental history of the Colorado River / 2013
Correlative estimates of streamflow in the Upper Colorado River Basin / 1970
Davis Dam and powerplant : Davis Dam project, constructed 1942-53 / 1955
Disposition and control of uranium mill tailings piles in the Colorado River basin / 1965
Disposition and control of uranium mill tailings piles in the Colorado River basin. 1966
Economic impacts of changes in salinity levels of the Colorado River / 1974
Geomorphic and lithologic controls of diffuse-source salinity, Grand Valley, Western Colorado / 1982
Hydrologic properties and ground-water flow systems of the paleozoic rocks in the Upper Colorado River Basin in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming, excluding the San Juan Basin / 2003
Immediate water pollution control needs for the interstate waters in the Colorado River basin, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, and California. 1967
Integrating desalination and agricultural salinity control alternatives / 1978
Living waters of the Colorado / 1981
Lower Colorado region comprehensive framework study : main report / 1971
Lower Colorado region comprehensive framework study : [appendices to the main report] / 1971
Lower Colorado River Basin plan. 1974
Lower Colorado River water supply: its magnitude and distribution, 1969
Memorandum Subject : Report of the Intensive Water Quality Study on the Colorado River Near the Grand Junction Sewage Treatment Plant, October 18-21, 1976 / 1976
Monitoring and pollution source (maps) directory, State of Utah, 1978 / 1978
Optimizing salinity control strategies for the upper Colorado River Basin / 1981
Optimizing salinity control strategies for the upper Colorado River Basin / 1983
Optimizing salinity control strategies for the upper Colorado River Basin / 1982
Preliminary investigation of selected water quality conditions in the Lower Colorado River : Parker Dam to Morelos Dam and Mexican canal system / 1963
Proceedings / 1963
Proposed mineral quality standards for the interstate waters of the Colorado River system. 1967
Radium-226, uranium and other radiological data from water quality surveillance stations located in the Colorado River Basin of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona, January 1961 throug June 1972. 1973
Record of decision : U.S. 93 Hoover Dam bypass Clark County, Nevada and Mohave County, Arizona / 2001
Report on an investigation of pesticide pollution in the Lower Colorado River Basin, 1973. 1973
Report on pollution affecting Las Vegas Wash, Lake Mead & the Lower Colorado River : Nevada-Arizona-California / 1971
Review and evaluation report on pesticide pollution of the Lower Colorado River, Parker Dam to the southerly international boundary / 1973
Sedimentation rates in small reservoirs in the little Colorado River Basin / 1952
Selected hydrologic data in the upper Colorado River basin / 1973
Seventh session of the Conference in the Matter of Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Colorado River and Its Tributaries : - Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Wyoming and Utah, held at Las Vegas, Nevada, February 15-17, 1972, transcript of proceedings. 1972
State and county area tabulations for the Colorado River Basin. 1962
State and local management actions to reduce Colorado river salinity / 1977
Summary appraisals of the Nation's ground-water resources--Upper Colorado region / 1974
Surface water supply of the United States 1961-65 : Part 9, Colorado River Basin. 1970
Surface water supply of the United States 1961-65. Part 9, Colorado River basin. 1970
Surface water supply of the United States, 1961-65. Part 9, Colorado River basin. 1970
The Colorado / 1974
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