Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Baseline human health risk assessment : Saginaw River, Michigan, area of concern / 1992
Baseline survey : eight Great Lakes states' public knowledge and opinions about Great Lakes issues / 1995
Basic issues in Great Lakes research : proceedings of a workshop sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation and the University of Michigan, 1-3 November 1986, Kellogg Biological Station, Hickory Corners, Michigan / 1987
Beacham's guide to the endangered species of North America / 2001
Before the wilderness environmental management by native Californians / 1993
Bench-scale evaluation of Zimpro's wet air oxidation process on contaminated sediments from the Grand Calumet River / 1994
Beneficial modifications of the marine environment; [proceedings] 1972
Beneficial uses of Great Lakes dredged material : a report of the Great Lakes Beneficial Use Task Force. 2001
Benthic polychaetous annelids from deep water off western Mexico and adjacent areas in the eastern Pacific Ocean, 1972
Best management practices for salinity control in Grand Valley / 1978
Best practices for sustainable wind energy development in the Great Lakes region / 2011
Best Practices Guide for Performance Partnership Grants with Tribes. 2011
Bibliography of North American geology. 1886
Bibliography of reports issued under the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909 and Great Lakes Water Quality Agreements of 1972 and 1978, and the Protocol Amending the 1978 Agreement. 1992
Bibliography on reservoir fishery biology in North America 1965
Biennial report under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1978 / 1982
Big eddies and mixing processes in the Great Lakes / 1973
Big kill : declining biodiversity in America's lakes and rivers / 1994
Binational study regarding the presence of toxic substances in the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo and its tributaries along the boundary portion between the United States and Mexico : final report, September 1994 = Estudio binacional sobre la presencia de sustancias toxicas en el Rio Bravo/Rio Grande y sus afluentes, en su porcion fronteriza entre Mexico y Estados Unidos : informe final, septiembre de 1994. 1994
Bioaccumulation factor portions of the proposed water quality guidance for the Great Lakes system. 1993
Bioaccumulation of toxic substances associated with dredging and dredged material disposal : a literature review / 1984
Bioassessment and management of North American freshwater wetlands / 2001
Bioavailability of phosphorus inputs to lakes : significance to management / 1981
Biodiversity = Biodiversidad = Biodiversite. 2003
Biodiversity and Native America / 2000
Biodiversity around the Great Lakes / 2002
Biodiversity investment areas : coastal wetland ecosystems : identification of "eco-reaches" of Great Lakes coastal wetlands that have high biodiversity value / 1998
Biodiversity investment areas : nearshore terrestrial ecosystems / 1998
Biodiversity investment areas integration : background paper / 2000
Biogeochemical signatures of the Great Lakes watersheds / 2018
Bioindicators as a measure of success for virtual elimination of persistent toxic substances : a report based on a workshop held April 28-29, 1992 at the Michigan League, Ann Arbor, Michigan / 1994
Biological and chemical assessment of contaminated Great Lakes sediment / 1993
Biological aspects of hybrid poplar cultivation on floodplains in western North America : a review / 1999
Biological availability of sediment phosphorus inputs to the lower Great Lakes / 1985
Biological availability of sediment phosphorus inputs to the lower Great Lakes / 1984
Biological pollution : the control and impact of invasive exotic species : proceedings of a symposium held at the University Place Conference Center, Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis on October 25 & 26, 1991 / 1993
Biological ranking criteria for conservation of islands in the Laurentian Great Lakes / 2004
Biological remediation of contaminated sediments with special emphasis on the Great Lakes : report of a workshop, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, July 17-19, 1990 / 1991
Biological remediation of contaminated sediments, with special emphasis on the Great Lakes : a workshop report / 1991
Biology and management of sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria : papers from the International Symposium on the Biology and Management of Sablefish, Seattle, Washington, 13-15 April 1993 / 1997
Biology of mayflies with a systematic account of North American species, 1935
Biology of North American tortoises / 1994
Biomagnification of atrazine in lake column simulators / 1979
Biomonitoring of Environmental Status and Trends (BEST) Program : environmental contaminants and their effects on fish in the Yukon River Basin / 2004
Biosystematic revision of the genus Stenonema (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) / 1979
Biota of freshwater ecosystems : identification manual / 1972
Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems. Identification Manual No. 4. Freshwater Polychaetes (Annelida) of North America. 1972
Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems. Identification Manual No. 5. The Freshwater Amphipod Crustaceans (Gammaridae) of North America. 1972
Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems. Identification Manual No. 7. Freshwater Isopods (Asellidae) of North America. 1972
Biotic provinces of North America 1982
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