Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
"Retained by the people" a history of American Indians and the Bill of Rights / 1994
11th biennial report on Great Lakes water quality : the challenge to restore and protect the largest body of fresh water in the world. 2002
1200 weeds of the 48 states & adjacent Canada : an interactive identification guide. 2008
1491 : new revelations of the Americas before Columbus / 2005
18th Annual Region 9 tribal/EPA conference : October 20-22, 2010 / 2010
1976 Great Lakes directory of universities, research institutes, and agencies concerned with water and land resources in the Great Lakes Basin / 1976
1980 annual report : a perspective on the problem of hazardous substances in the Great Lakes Basin ecosystem : report to the International Joint Commission, presented November 13, 1980, Toronto, Ontario / 1980
1980 report on Great Lakes water quality / 1980
1980 report on Great Lakes water quality : appendix : report to the International Joint Commission. 1980
1981 annual report : report to the Great Lakes Water Quality Board/Great Lakes Science Advisory Board / 1981
1981 annual report : report to the International Joint Commission, presented November 1981, Cleveland, Ohio / 1981
1981 report on Great Lakes water quality : appendices : report to the International Joint Commission. 1981
1981 report on Great Lakes water quality : appendix : Great Lakes surveillance : report to the International Joint Commission. 1981
1981 report on Great Lakes water quality. 1981
1982 Annual report Great Lakes Research review. 1982
1982 report on Great Lakes water quality / 1982
1983 annual report / 1983
1983 annual report : appendix II : groundwater contamination / 1985
1983 annual report : report of the Aquatic Ecosystem Objectives Committee. 1983
1983 report on Great Lakes water quality : appendix : Dredging Subcommittee report. 1983
1983 report on Great Lakes water quality : appendix : Great Lakes surveillance : report to the International Joint Commission. 1983
1983 report on Great Lakes water quality : appendix on radioactivity. 1983
1983 report on Great Lakes water quality : report to the International Joint Commission / 1983
1985 annual report 1986
1985 annual report : presented June 1985, Kingston, Ontario / 1985
1985 inventory of lake and connecting channels task forces under the Great Lakes International Surveillance Plan. 1985
1985 report on Great Lakes water quality / 1985
1986 inventory of Great Lakes monitoring and surveillance activities under the Great Lakes International Surveillance Plan (GLISP) / 1986
1987 report : presented November 1987, Toledo, Ohio / 1987
1987 report on Great Lakes water quality / 1987
1987 report on Great Lakes water quality : Appendix A / 1987
1987 report on Great Lakes water quality : appendix b : Great Lakes surveillance / 1989
1989 biennial meeting on Great Lakes water quality, October 11-13, 1989, Hamilton, Ontario : transcripts / 1989
1989 report : presented October 1989, Hamilton, Ontario / 1989
1989 report on Great Lakes water quality / 1989
1989 report on Great Lakes water quality, executive summary / 1989
1990 semi-annual meeting. : April 27-29, 1990, Le Chateau Champlain, One Place du Canada, Montreal, Quebec / 1990
1993 report of the Great Lakes Water Quality Board to the International Joint Commission. 1993
1994 supplement, American Indian law deskbook 1994
1994 update to the North American Waterfowl Management Plan : expanding the commitment. 1994
1995 supplement, American Indian law deskbook 1995
1996 North American emergency response guidebook : a guidebook for first responders during the initial phase of a hazardous materials/dangerous goods incident. 1996
1997 North American Conference on the Monarch Butterfly = Reunion de America del Norte sobre la Mariposa Monarca, 1997 / 1999
1998 Financial responsibility compliance deadline for Indian tribes that own underground storage tanks on Indian lands : final rule. 1994
2000 emergency response guidebook : a guidebook for first responders during the initial phase of a hazardous materials incident. 2000
2004 emergency response guidebook : a guidebook for first responders during the initial phase of a dangerous goods/hazardous materials incident. 2004
2005 Puget Sound Georgia Basin Research Conference : science for the Salish Sea: a sense of place, a sense of change : abstracts & biographies : March 29-31, 2005, Washington State Convention and Trade Center, Seattle, Washington. 2005
2007 beach sanitary survey Great Lakes Pilot Project [electronic resource]. 2008
2008 emergency response guidebook : a guidebook for first responders during the initial phase of a dangerous goods/hazardous materials incident. 2008
2008 Emergency response guidebook : a guidebook for first responders during the initial phase of a dangerous goods/hazardous materials transportation incident / 2008
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