Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 355
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Nonpoint source pollution)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1985 baseline point source load inventory 1993
1994 summary report : Section 319 National Monitoring Program projects / 1994
1995 summary report : Section 319 National Monitoring Program projects / 1995
1996 clean water needs survey : report to Congress : assessment of needs for publicly owned wastewater treatment facilities, correction of combined sewer overflows, and management of storm water and nonpoint source pollution in the United States. 1997
1997 summary report : Section 319 National Monitoring Program projects / 1997
319 grant reporting and tracking system : nonpoint source (NPS) / 1993
A general survey of governmental programs to plan and manage nonpoint source water pollution abatement in the United States Great Lakes Basin / 1983
A regionalized assessment of the influence of rural nonpoint source pollution on the ecological integrity of stream ecosystems and an evaluation of associated pollution control management. 1991
A review of the nonpoint source watershed model HSPF and its utility to the forest products industry / 1997
A Tribal guide to the Section 319(h) nonpoint source grant program. 1994
A watershed-based methodology for assessment of nonpoint source pollution from inactive mines / 1995
Agricultural nonpoint source pollution : watershed management and hydrology / 2001
Agriculture and the environment : information on and characteristics of selected watershed projects : report to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, U.S. Senate / 1995
Agriculture and the environment : information on and characteristics of selected watershed projects : report to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, U.S. Senate / 1995
Agriculture non-point source pollution control : good management practices--the Chesapeake Bay experience / 2003
Almanac of enforceable state laws to control nonpoint source water pollution. 1998
Almeda County nonpoint source study 1990
Alternative wastewater treatment for individual lots : part two of a series about onsite wastewater treatment alternatives. 2005
An interdisciplinary assessment of regional-scale nonpoint source ground-water vulnerability : theory and application / 2001
An overview of EPA's watershed model BASINS and related federal spatial data products / 1997
Analysis of bottom sediment to estimate nonpoint-source phosphorus loads for 1981-96 in Hillsdale Lake, northeast Kansas 1997
Analysis of nonpoint-source pollutants in the Missouri Basin Region / 1975
Analyzing nonpoint source water pollution problems : nutrient control policies in the Chesapeake Bay states / 1997
Analyzing nonpoint source water pollution problems : nutrient control policies in the Chesapeake Bay states / 1997
Animal agriculture : information on waste management and water quality issues : briefing report to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, U.S. Senate / 1995
Annual Report, Nonpoint Source Water Quality Program, Utah 1993
Applications of GIS to the modeling of non-point source pollutants in the vadose zone 1995 Bouyoucos Conference proceedings, May 1-3, 1995, Riverside, California / 1995
Assessment and control of nonpoint source pollution of aquatic ecosystems : a practical approach / 1999
Assessment of non-point source pollution in the vadose zone 1999
Assessment of nonpoint-source contamination in central Florida 1997
Assessment of overland runoff nonpoint source pollution impacts on the Ohio River including a ranking of major tributaries by NPS pollutant contribution : evaluation of pollutant loads in highway runoff flows vs. flows with low runoff content. 2003
Assessment of rural nonpoint source pollution : a model based on the Universal soil loss equation / 1977
BASINS : Region 1. 2001
BASINS : Region 10. 2001
BASINS : Region 2. 2001
BASINS : Region 3 / 1996
BASINS : Region 3 / 1999
BASINS : Region 4. 2001
BASINS : Region 5. 2001
BASINS : Region 6. 2001
BASINS : Region 8. 1996
BASINS : Region 8. 2001
BASINS : Region 9. 2001
BASINS Region 10. {computer file} : 1996
BASINS Region 3. {electronic resource} : 2001
BASINS Region 7. {electronic resource} : 2001
BASINS [electronic resource] / 1999
BASINS [electronic resource]. 2001
BASINS, Version 4.0. 2007
BASINS. 2004
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