Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Nonpoint source pollution)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Effects of land use on quality of water in stratified-drift aquifers in Connecticut 1994
Effects of livestock pasturing on nonpoint surface runoff / 1983
Effects of livestock pasturing on nonpoint surface runoff / 1983
Enhancements of nonpoint source monitoring of volatile organic compounds in ground water 2000
Environmental impact of land use on water quality : Black Creek Project, Allen County, Indiana / 1976
Environmental impact of land use on water quality. Black Creek Project, Allen County, Indiana / progress report : 1976
Environmental indicators to assess stormwater control programs and practices : final report / 1996
Environmental Management Report 1985 Update 1985
Environmental Protection Agency non-point pollution source inventory, New Castle Co., Delaware : volume II / 1977
EPA funds available for forestry projects : state foresters, landowners, and private organizations are eligible / 2004
EPA funds available for forestry projects : state foresters, landowners, and private organizations are eligible / 2004
EPA Region 7 : nonpoint source information. 1994
Erosion, sediment, and runoff control for roads and highways / 1997
Estimation of nonpoint-source loadings of phosphorus for lakes in the Puget Sound region, Washington / 1983
Evaluation of managed flooding of Mississippi Delta agricultural fields for control of nonpoint source nutrient pollution : a report to the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality / 1996
Evaluation of the biological condition of streams in the Middle Rockies Central-Ecoregion, Wyoming / 1994
Fact sheet / 2004
Federal Register: Environmental Protection Agency : proposed modification of National Pollutation Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) storm water multi-sector general permit for industrial activities; : notice. Part IV : 1997
Fertilizer and Stormwater Runoff Outreach Program in Newcastle, NH. Final Report. 2010
Forestry operations and water quality in the northeastern states : overview of impacts and assessment of state implementation of nonpoint source programs under the federal Clean Water Act / 2001
Forests as nonpoint sources of pollution, and effectiveness of best management practices. 1994
French gulch nonpoint source project case history : final draft / 1995
Fugitive emissions and fugitive dust emissions. 1975
Funding nonpoint source activities with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund. 2003
General design for SNC redefinition enhancement in PCS 1996
Getting from here to there : selecting the best wastewater management option for your community. 1998
Global sources of local pollution : an assessment of long-range transport of key air pollutants to and from the United States / 2010
Global sources of local pollution : an assessment of long-range transport of key air pollutants to and from the United States / 2010
Ground water monitoring technical completion report : evaluation of agricultural best management practices to reduce nonpoint source ground water nitrate in Southern Minidoka County, Idaho : Minidoka/Cassia Ground Water Monitoring Project / 1999
Ground water quality and its contamination from non-point sources in California 1994
Guidance for developing water quality management plans that will function as TMDLs for nonpoint sources. 1997
Guidance on controlling agricultural sources of nonpoint source pollution 1998
Guidance specifying management measures for sources of nonpoint pollution in coastal waters : issued under the authority of Section 6217(g) of the Coastal Zone Act Reauthorization Amendments of 1990. 1993
Guide to establishing a point/nonpoint source pollution reduction trading system for basinwide water quality management : the Tar-Pamlico River basin experience / 1995
Guidelines for livestock producers 1996
Handbook for developing and managing tribal nonpoint source pollution programs under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act. 2010
Handbook of nonpoint pollution : sources and management / 1981
Idaho agricultural pollution abatement plan, 1991 1993
Illicit discharge detection and elimination : a guidance manual for program development and technical assessments / 2004
Impacts of impervious cover on aquatic systems 2003
Impacts of major point and non-point sources on raw water treatability / 2003
Implementation of the Federal water pollution control act (nonpoint pollution and the areawide waste treatment management program) : hearings before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Review of the Committee on Public Works and Transportation, U.S. House of Representatives, Ninety-sixth Congress, first session ... 1979
Implementing the Pecos River WPP through Invasive Species Control and by Providing Technical and Financial Assistance to Reduce Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution. 2013
Industrial process fugitive emissions inventory for the Region V Great Lakes shoreline / 1980
Integrated assessment of hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico. 2000
Interagency workgroup on air quality modeling phase 3 summary report : long range transport and air quality related values. 2015
Interagency Workgroup on Air Quality Modeling Phase 3 summary report : long-range transport and air quality related values (AQRVs). 2016
Interfacing nonpoint source programs with the conservation reserve : guidance for water quality managers / 1988
Irrigation return flow quality assessment : a report / 1983
Isotopic tracers in surface water 2002
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