Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 30
Showing: Items 1 - 30
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Nonionizing radiation)

Select Item Title Year Published
Absorption characteristics of prolate spheroidal model of man and animals at and near resonance frequency / 1979
Annual National Conference on Radiation Control (9th) - Meeting Today's Challenges, Held in Seattle, Washington on June 19-23, 1977. 1978
Biological effects of nonionizing radiation / 1981
Calcium Ion Efflux Induction in Brain Tissue by Radio-Frequency Radiation. 1981
Conference on Federal-State Implementation of Public Law 90-602, March 24-28, 1969, Montgomery, Alabama. 1969
Effect of Nonionizing Radiation on the Purkinje Cells of the Uvula in Squirrel Monkey Cerebellum. 1981
Factors associated with the incidence of congenital anomalies : a localized investigation / 1977
Future issues in environmental radiation : report on future issues and challenges in the study of environmental radiation, with a focus toward future institutional readiness by the Environmental Protection Agency. 1995
Index of publications on biological effects of electromagnetic radiation (0-100 GHz) / 1981
Induction of Calcium-Ion Efflux from Brain Tissue by Radiofrequency Radiation: Effect of Sample Number and Modulation Frequency on the Power-Density Window. 1980
Industrial radiation hazards deskbook / 1987
Low frequency automated magnetic field calibration system / 1983
Measurement of Microwave Radiation Absorbed by Biological Systems. 1. Analysis of Heating and Cooling Data. 1977
Non-ionizing radiation. Part 1, Static and extremely low-frequency (ELF) electric and magnetic fields. 2002
Nonionizing radiation / 1990
Nonionizing radiation in the New York metropolitan area. 1978
Nonionizing radiation protection 1982
Observations of Mouse Fetuses After Irradiation with 2.45 GHz Microwaves. 1978
Office of Radiation Programs : program statement / 1976
Population exposure to VHF and UHF broadcast radiation in the United States / 1978
Potential human study populations for non-ionizing (radio frequency) radiation health effects {MICROFICHE} 1982
Radiation protection activities, 1976. 1977
Radiation protection activities, 1977. 1978
Radiation protection--1975 : annual EPA review of radiation protection activities / 1976
Radiofrequency radiation levels and population exposure in urban areas of the Eastern United States / 1978
Radiological quality of the environment in the United States, 1977. 1977
RadTown USA : Wireless Technology. 2006
Reference Data for Radiofrequency Emission Hazard Analysis. 1972
Solar and ultraviolet radiation. 1992
Trend analysis of death rates in the State of Illinois, 1967-1975 / 1980

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