Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 37
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Nonferrous metals)

Select Item Title Year Published
Accomplishment Plan Region VIII : Non-Ferrous Metals Industry. 1972
Aluminum, Copper, and Nonferrous Metals Forming and Metal Powders Pretreatment Standards: A Guidance Manual. 1989
Analysis of blood, hair, urine, and dust samples for heavy metals / 1976
Annual book of ASTM standards 2003. Section 2, Nonferrous metal products. 2003
Compliance and enforcement trends in the nonferrous metals smelting sector and at other selected metal manufacturing facilities / 2000
Control of particulate emissions in the primary nonferrous metals industries : symposium proceedings, Del Monte Hyatt House, Monterey, California, March 18-21, 1979 / 1979
Control of VOC emissions from nonferrous metal rolling processes / 1992
Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Nonferrous Metals Forming and Iron and Steel/Copper/Aluminum Metal Powder Production and Powder Metallurgy Point Source Category. (Proposed). 1984
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the nonferrous metals forming and metal powders point source category. 1986
Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Nonferrous Metals Forming and Metal Powders: Point Source Category. Volume 2. 1986
Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Nonferrous Metals Forming and Metal Powders: Point Source Category. Volume 3. 1986
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the nonferrous metals manufacturing point source category : volume III, primary copper smelting, primary electrolytic copper refining, secondary copper refining, metallurgical acid plants. 1989
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the nonferrous metals manufacturing point source category : volume V, primary precious metals and mercury, secondary precious metals, secondary silver, secondary mercury. 1989
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the nonferrous metals manufacturing point source category. 1989
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the nonferrous metals manufacturing point source category. 1989
Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Nonferrous Metals Manufacturing Point Source Category. Volume 7. Primary Beryllium, Primary Nickel and Cobalt, Secondary Nickel, Secondary Tin. 1989
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the lead segment of the nonferrous metals manufacturing point source category. 1974
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the secondary copper subcategory of the copper segment of the nonferrous metals manufacturing point source category. 1974
Draft development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the major nonferrous metals segment of the nonferrous metals manufacturing point source category. 1979
Economic analysis of pretreatment standards for the secondary copper and aluminum subcategories of the nonferrous metals manufacturing point source category. 1976
Economic analysis of proposed effluent guidelines : nonferrous metals industry - Aluminum. 1973
Economic impact analysis of proposed effluent limitations and standards for the nonferrous smelting and refining industry (phase II). 1985
Environmental assessment of the domestic primary copper, lead and zinc industries / 1976
Environmental assessment of the domestic primary copper, lead and zinc industries / 1978
Environmental assessment of the domestic primary copper, lead and zinc industries : executive summary / 1976
EPA Office of Compliance Sector Notebook Project. Profile of the nonferrous metals industry. 1995
Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards. Rulemaking for the Nonferrous Metals Forming and Metal Powders Point Source Category. 1986
Guidance manual for aluminum, copper, and nonferrous metals forming and metal powders pretreatment standards / 1989
Handbook of the rare elements 1968
Increasing the leaching rate of bulk superalloy scrap by melting with aluminum 1983
International technology for the nonferrous smelting industry / 1982
Nonferrous metals technical awareness. 1979
Overview of foreign nonferrous smelter technology / 1980
Profile of the nonferrous metals industry. 1995
Recovery of metal values from lead smelter matte by chlorine-oxygen leaching 1982
Technology of heavy non-ferrous metals and alloys: copper, nickel, zinc, tin, lead, 1967
Use of cryogens to reclaim nonferrous scrap metal 1973

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