Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 37
Showing: Items 1 - 37
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Noise pollution United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
Aerial noise monitoring study, volume 1 : technical dissertation / 1979
Aerial noise monitoring study, volume 2 : operations handbook / 1976
Analysis of EPA technical assistance to state and local governments. volume V, An initial assessment of the ECHO Noise Technical Assistance Program / 1980
Backround document for proposed portable air compressor noise emmission regulations. 1974
Department of Housing and Urban Development : noise abatement and control policy. 1977
Economic analysis and review of noise abatement regulations final report 1976
Economic welfare impacts of urban noise / 1976
EPA's noise abatement program / 1972
Federal Highway Administration : noise policy and related environmental procedures. 1977
Fundamentals and abatement of highway traffic noise : textbook and training course. 1980
Model Noise Control Provisions for Building Codes and Implementation Manual. 1981
Noise control directory 1979
Noise emission standards for construction equipment : background document for portable air compressors. 1975
Noise facts digest, June 1972, 1972
Noise Impact Evaluation Manual / 1986
Noise information packet 1997
Noise on wheels. 1977
Noise pollution : Federal program to control it has been slow and ineffective, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Transportation : report to the Congress 1977
Noise programs of professional/industrial organizations, universities, and colleges. 1971
Noise, a health problem / 1978
Passenger noise environments of enclosed transportation systems / 1975
Population distribution of the United States as a function of outdoor noise level / 1974
Protective noise levels : condensed version of EPA levels document / 1978
Public hearings on noise abatement and control. 1972
Region VIII Participation in the Rail Carrier Noise Monitoring Program during September and October 1974 / 1974
Report of the second Federal Interagency Noise Effects Research Panel. 1978
Report of the second Federal Interagency Noise Effects Research Panel. 1978
Report to the President and Congress on noise / 1971
Report to the President and Congress on noise : report of the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, in compliance with title IV of Public Law 91-604: the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1970. 1972
Resource directory of community noise advisors in EPA's Each Community Helps Others (ECHO) Program. 1980
Summary of noise programs in the federal government. 1972
Summary, conclusions and recommendations from report to the President and Congress on noise. 1972
Technology for a quieter America / 2010
The economic impact of noise. 1971
The economic impact of noise. 1900
The social impact of noise : a survey of medical, psychological, and social consequences / 1971
The social impact of noise. 1900

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