Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=No tillage)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1980 Conservation tillage test results, Allen County, Ohio. 1980
1981 Conservation tillage test results, Allen County, Ohio. 1981
1982 Conservation tillage test results, Allen County, Ohio. 1982
1983 conservation tillage test results, Allen County, Ohio. 1983
2020 National Emissions Inventory technical support document : agriculture – crops and livestock dust 2023
Accelerated conservation tillage demonstration program 1981-1985 : final report / 1986
Adaptability of various tillage-planting systems to Indiana soils 1977
Adoption of reduced tillage and other conservation practices in the Lake Erie basin / 1979
Analysis of thematic mapper classification of tillage practices in Seneca County, Ohio : including a discussion on the selection of ground truth sites / 1986
Bean Creek Watershed : conservation tillage demonstration project : final report (1982-1985) / 1991
Conservation tillage adoption in two North Central Ohio watersheds, 1982-1985 : final report / 1987
Conservation tillage and conventional tillage : a comparative assessment / 1982
Conservation Tillage and Conventional Tillage: A Comparative Assessment. 1982
Conservation Tillage Test Results, Allen County, Ohio for 1981. 1982
Conservation tillage, January 1980-August 1985 : citations from Agricola concerning diseases and other environmental considerations / 1986
Conservation tillage--strategies for the future : conference proceedings, National Conference, October 3-5, 1984, Opryland Hotel, Nashville, Tennessee. 1984
Conservation tillage--strategies for the future : executive summaries, National Conference, October 3-5, 1984, Opryland Hotel, Nashville, Tennessee. 1984
Cost effective corn and soybean production without tillage : fact or fiction? / 1993
Crop selection, tillage practices, and chemical and nutrient applications in two regions of the Chesapeake Bay watershed 1992
Cropping, tillage and land management practices of southwestern Ontario / 1986
Defiance County : Lost Creek Demonstration Project : 1981 demonstration report / 1982
Defiance County : Lost Creek Demonstration Project : 1982 demonstration report / 1983
Defiance County : Lost Creek Demonstration Project : 1983 demonstartion report / 1984
Delineating Agriculture in the High Rock Lake Watershed. 2015
Delineating Agriculture in the Lake Jordan River Watershed. 2007
Delineating Agriculture in the Neuse River Basin. 2011
Delineating Agriculture in the Tar-Pamlico River Basin. 2006
Development of emission factors for fugitive dust sources / 1974
Economic and land management analysis in Honey Creek watershed 1977
Economic impacts of changing tillage practices in the Lake Erie basin / 1978
Effects of conservation tillage on groundwater quality : nitrates and pesticides / 1987
Effects of conservation tillage practices on crop yields in the Lake Erie Basin 1981
Effects of no-till and fall plowing on pesticide movement in runoff and tile drainage / 1989
Effects of no-till and fall plowing on pesticide movement in runoff and tile drainage / 1991
Effects of tillage system, crop residue level, and fertilizer application technique on losses of phosphorus and pesticides from agricultural lands 1987
Effects of Trends in Tillage Practices on Erosion and Carbon Content of Soils in the U.S. Corn Belt. 1993
Environmental and economic implications of conservation tillage practices in the Great Lakes Basin / 1981
Farming for a better environment : a white paper. 1995
Farming for clean water in South Carolina : a handbook of conservation practices / 1997
Fate and transport of pesticides in a Virginia coastal plain soil 1992
Fundamentals of no-till farming 1983
Honey Creek watershed project : final program evaluation report 1979-1981 1982
Honey Creek watershed project : tillage demonstration results 1979 / 1980
Honey Creek watershed project : tillage demonstration results 1980 1981
Honey Creek watershed project : tillage demonstration results 1981 1982
Hydrologic aspects of no-tillage versus conventional tillage systems for corn production 1968
Impact of conservation tillage on environmental pesticide concentrations in three agricultural regions / 1986
Implications of reduced and no-tillage systems on chemical use in the prairie provinces / 1985
Lake Erie conservation tillage demonstration projects : evaluating management of pesticides, fertilizer, residue to improve water quality / 1985
Lake Erie conservation tillage demonstration projects final report / 1986
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