Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Nitrogen oxides Environmental aspects)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A review and analysis of the good faith of the automobile industry in attempting to comply with the statutory 0.4 NOx standard : a report to the Senate Public Works Committee, U.S. Congress. 1978
Acid rain and transported air pollutants : implications for public policy : summary. 1984
Acid rain and transported air pollutants : implications for public policy. 1984
Acid rain engineering solutions, regulatory aspects / 1985
Acidic deposition sulphur and nitrogen oxides : the Alberta Government/Industry Acidic Deposition Research Program (ADRP) / 1990
Air quality criteria for oxides of nitrogen. 1993
An analysis of factors affecting long-duration NOx emissions from wood-fired boilers / 2006
Analiticheskii obzor zagriazneniia atmosfery soedineniiami sery i azota i otsenka ikh vypadenii v fonovykh raionakh vostochno-evropeiskikh stran--chlenov SEV, 1982-1987 gg. 1988
Analysis of long-term NO emission data from pulverized coal-fired utility boilers / 1983
Analysis of low NOx operation of two pulverized coal-fired utility boilers / 1984
Assessment of control technologies for reducing emissions of SO2 and NOx from existing coal-fired utility boilers : final report / 1990
Assessment of SO2 and NOx emission control technology in Europe / 1988
Assessment of techniques for measuring tropospheric NxOy : proceedings of a workshop sponsored by the NASA Office of Space Science and Applications and NASA Langley Research Center and held in Palo Alto, California, August 16-20, 1982. 1983
Assessment of the role of nitrogen oxides in nonurban ozone formation / 1986
Atmospheric sulfur and nitrogen oxides : eastern North American source-receptor relationships / 1994
Bench-scale evaluation of non-U.S. coals for NOx formation under excess air and staged combustion conditions / 1983
Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee's (CASAC) peer review of EPA's Integrated Science Assessment for Oxides of Nitrogen and Sulfur : environmental criteria (first external review draft, December 2007) / 2008
Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee's (CASAC) peer review of EPA's Integrated Science Assessment for Oxides of Nitrogen and Sulfur : environmental criteria (second external review draft) / 2008
Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee's (CASAC) review comments on EPA's Risk and Exposure Assessment to Support the Review of the NO2 Primary National Ambient Air Quality Standard : first draft / 2008
Clearing the air : an updated report on emission trends in selected U.S. cities / 1997
Comparison of historic SO2 and NOx emission data sets : project summary / 1988
Consultation on EPA's Draft Scope and Methods Plan for Risk/Exposure Assessment: Secondary NAAQS Review for Oxides of Nitrogen and Oxides of Sulfur (March 2008 draft) 2008
Control of emissions from stationary combustion sources : pollutant detection and behavior in the atmosphere 1979
Control technology for nitrogen oxide emissions from stationary sources. 1983
Control technology for stationary source NOx / 1977
Controlling nitrogen oxides under the Clean Air Act : a menu of options. 1994
Critical loads for nitrogen a workshop report / 1992
Current emission trends for nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and volitile organic compounds by month and state : methodology and results / 1990
Deposition of S and NOx-N to the Great Lakes estimated with a regional deposition model 1991
Development of the aqueous processes for removing NO[subscript x] from flue gases, 1972
Effect of kraft recovery furnace operations on NOx emissions : literature review and summary of industry experience / 2003
Effect of stripper off-gas burning on NO[subscript]x emissions / 2000
Effects of oxides of nitrogen on California air quality 1986
Emissions and cost estimates for globally significant anthropogenic combustion sources of NOx, N2O, CH4, CO, and CO2 / 1990
Emissions and cost estimates for globally significant anthropogenic combustion sources of NOx, N2O, CH4, CO, and CO2 / 1990
Emissions and cost estimates for globally significant anthropogenic combustion sources of NOx, N2O, CH4,CO, and CO2 : project summary / 1990
Emissions of oxides of nitrogen from stationary sources in Los Angeles County : a joint district, federal, state and industry project. 1960
Emissions, air quality, and effects of exhaust gas constituents / 1994
Environmental health criteria for nitrogen oxides (NOx). 1994
Evaluation of the national boiler inventory. 1975
Factors affecting NO{subscript}x generation from burning stripper off-gases in power boilers and lime kilns 2002
Fired heaters : nitrogen oxides emissions and controls / 1988
Fired heaters : nitrogen oxides emissions and controls : project summary / 1988
General conformity guidance : questions and answers / 1994
Ground-level ozone and its precursors, 1980-1993 : report of the Data Analysis Working Group. 1997
Ground-level ozone and precursor monitoring guidelines and implementation report : report of the Ambient Air Monitoring Working Group. 1997
Hitachi Zosen NOx flue gas treatment process : volume 1 : pilot plant evaluation : September 1982 / 1982
Hitachi Zosen NOx flue gas treatment process : volume 2 : independent evaluation : September 1982 / 1982
Hitachi Zosen NOx flue gas treatment process. 1983
Laboratory evaluation of NOx reduction techniques for refinery CO boilers / 1985
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