Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 134
Showing: Items 51 - 100
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Nitrites)

Select Item Title Year Published
Ground-water indicator pilot study in the state of Minnesota / 1991
Health effects of nitrate, nitrite, and N- nitroso compounds part 1 of a 2-part study / 1981
Health effects of nitrates in water / 1977
Health hazards of nitrite inhalants / 1988
Human Alveolar and Peritoneal Macrophages Mediate Fungistasis Independently of L-Arginine Oxidation to Nitrite or Nitrate. 1990
Identification of the Reaction Products Formed by the Oxidation of Aqueous Ammonia with Potassium Ferrate VI. 1972
Impacts of Cropland Runoff on Nutrient and Pesticide Concentrations in River Systems. 1988
Influence of Mineralogy and Microorganisms in Iron and Sulfide Concentrations in Groundwater. 1971
Information collection request for: national primary drinking water regulations for inorganic chemicals. Phase 2, March 1989 / 1989
Ingested nitrate and nitrite, and cyanobacterial peptide toxins / 2010
Inorganic analyses in water quality control programs : training manual / 1978
Inorganic Analyses in Water Quality Control Programs: Instructor's Guide. 1981
Inorganic Analyses in Water Quality Control Programs; Training Manual. 1978
Interaction between an Ammonium-Oxidizer, 'Nitrosomonas' sp., and Two Heterotrophic Bacteria, 'Nocardia atlantica' and 'Pseudomonas' sp.: A Note. 1980
Ion chromatography of anions / 1980
Lake Water Quality Assessment Program: Southern Illinois Lakes. 1991
Lethal and sublethal effects of hemoxidants, particularly nitrite, on selected aquatic animals / 1982
Low Erythrocyte Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) Activity and Susceptibility to Nitrite-Induced Methemoglobin Formation. 1980
Measurement of rate constants of importance in smog / 1977
Metabolic Role of Sulfates and Sulfides Producing Bacteria in Pollution of Waters. 1971
Method 1685 : nitrate/nitrite-N in water and biosolids by automated photometry. 2001
Methods for the determination of inorganic substances in environmental samples / 1993
National eutrophication survey : data acquisition and laboratory analysis system for lake samples / 1975
National nitrate compliance initiative / 2001
National primary drinking water regulations : nitrates and nitrites [consumer version]. 1995
National primary drinking water regulations : nitrates and nitrites [technical version]. 1995
National summary of state water quality standards : Nitrogen-Ammonia/Nitrate/Nitrite / 1980
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, Tampa, Florida: Water Quality Assessment of the Lower Hillsborough River - Final Report. 1983
Nematode Community Structure. A Tool for Evaluating Water Resource Environments. 1972
New Methods of Nitrite and Nitrate Analysis for Natural Waters. 1973
Nitrate and drinking water. 1988
Nitrate and nitrite variation in ground water / 1972
Nitrate and nitrite volatilization by microorganisms in laboratory experiments / 1973
Nitrate and Nitrite Volatilization by Microorganisms in Laboratory Experiments. 1973
Nitrate/nitrite : fact sheet on a drinking water chemical contaminant. 1992
Nitrates, nitrites, and N-nitroso compounds 1978
Nitrification of secondary municipal waste effluents by rotating bio-discs / 1978
Nitrite Induced Iron Deficiency in the Neonatal Rat. 1988
Nitrites 1982
Nitrogen - Ammonia/Nitrate/Nitrite. Water Quality Standards Criteria Summaries. A Compilation of State/Federal Criteria. 1990
Nitrogen action plan / 1991
Nitrogen in the subsurface environment / 1975
Nitrogen removal from wastewaters 1970
Nitrogen-ammonia/nitrate/nitrite : water quality standards criteria summaries a compilation of state/federal criteria / 1988
Nitrogenous compounds in the environment. 0
NTP technical report on the toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of isobutyl nitrite (CAS no. 542-56-3) in F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice (inhalation studies). 1996
Nutrient Regeneration by Zooplankton in Southern Lake Huron. 1983
On-Line Colorimetric Analyzers for Monitoring Nitrate-Nitrite, Ammonia, Orthophosphorus and Total Hydrolyzable Phosphorus in Wastewater-Treatment Process Streams. 1974
Organic Analyses in Water Quality Control Programs. Training Manual. 1977
Organic Analyses in Water Quality Control Programs; Training Manual. 1978

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