Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 45
Showing: Items 1 - 45
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Nitric Oxide)

Select Item Title Year Published
A review of control strategies for in-use vehicles / 1974
Accuracy Assessment of EPA Protocol Gases in 1988. 1989
Air pollution aspects of emission sources: nitric acid manufacturing; a bibliography with abstracts. 1971
Air quality criteria for nitrogen oxides. 1971
Air quality criteria for nitrogen oxides. 1971
Biogenic Emission Estimates for 1995. 1996
Dependence of Nitric Oxide Emissions on Vehicle Load: Results from the Georgia Tech Research Partnership (GTRP) Instrumented Vehicle Program. 1999
Development of a method for the speciation of source mercury emissions / 1998
Effect of selected parameters on predictions of a photochemical model / 1977
Electron and Positive Ion Density Altitude Distributions in the Equatorial D Region. 1971
Emissions assessment for refuse-derived fuel combustion / 1985
EPA/IFP European workshop on the emission of nitrous oxide from fossil fuel combustion : project summary / 1990
Evaluation and Use of Stand-Alone Commercial Photolytic Converters for Conversion of NO(sub 2) to NO. 2004
Evaluation of emissions from the open burning of land-clearing debris / 1996
Evaluation of internally staged coal burners and sorbent jet aerodynamics for combined SO2/NOx control in utility boilers. Volume 1, Testing in a 10 million Btu/hr experimental furnace / 1989
Evaluation of internally staged coal burners and sorbent jet aerodynamics for combined SO2/NOx control in utility boilers. Volume 1, Testing in a 10 million Btu/hr experimental furnace / 1989
Evaluation of internally staged coal burners and sorbent jet aerodynamics for combined SO2/NOx control in utility boilers. Volume 1, Testing in a 10 million Btu/hr experimental furnace / 1989
Evaluation of internally staged coal burners and sorbent jet aerodynamics for combined SO2/NOx control in utility boilers. Volume 2, Testing in a 100 million Btu/hr experimental furnace / 1989
Examining the Temporal Variability of Ammonia and Nitric Oxide Emissions from Agricultural Processes. 2000
Feasability study on selective ionization mass spectrometry of nitric oxide and its application in the upper atmosphere 1985
Human alteration of the global nitrogen cycle : causes and consequences / 1997
Intercomparison of Optical Remote Sensing Systems for Roadside Measurements of Nitric Oxide. 1999
Investigation of analyzer problems in the measurement of NOx from methanol vehicles / 1988
Investigation of analyzer problems in the measurement of NOx from methanol vehicles / 1988
Mass emissions from diesel trucks operated over a road course / 1974
Measuring Real-World Emissions from the On-Road Passenger Fleet. 2016
Mechanism of oxidative stress from low levels of carbon monoxide 1997
Model for measuring the health impact from changing levels of ambient air pollution : morbidity study / 1979
Morphometric analysis of alveolar responses of F344 rats to subchronic inhalation of nitric oxide 1999
N2O field study (final report) / 1989
N2O field study / 1989
N2O field study / 1989
Nitric oxide : biology and chemistry / 1997
Nitric oxide : novel actions, deleterious effects, and clinical potential / 2002
Nitric oxide formation in combustion processes with strong recirculation / 1973
Nitric-oxide measurement in a simulated spark-ignition engine / 1973
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) : why and how they are controlled. 1999
NOx formation in CO flames / 1977
Proceedings of the Symposium on the Current Status of the NOx Problem and Its Control : held on Thursday, April 26, 1973, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, New York. 1973
Reduction of nitric oxide with metal sulfides. 1978
Remote monitoring of nitric oxide by gas-filter correlation techniques / 1967
Summary of NOx control technologies and their availability and extent of application. 1992
Technical assistance document for the chemiluminescence measurement of nitrogen dioxide / 1976
Tentative method for the calibration of nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and ozone analyzers by gas phase titration / 1974
Toxic gases in heavy duty diesel truck cabs : final report : prepared for Federal Highway Administration, Offices of Research and Development / 1977

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