Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 20
Showing: Items 1 - 20
Your Search: (SUBJECT=New Southwest)

Select Item Title Year Published
A great aridness : climate change and the future of the American southwest / 2011
An introduction to southwestern Indian arts & crafts / 1966
Black Mesa: the angel of death / 1973
Cambrian and Ordovician rocks of southern Arizona and New Mexico and westernmost Texas / 1975
Environmental management report / 1983
Everett Ruess : his short life, mysterious death, and astonishing afterlife / 2011
General effects of drought on water resources of the Southwest / 1964
Ground-water recharge in the arid and semiarid southwestern United States / 2007
Kinship, capitalism, change : the informal economy of the Navajo, 1868-1995 / 1998
Primer on climatic variability and change in the Southwest 2001
Salt Lake City area integrated projects, electric power marketing : draft environmental impact statement. 1994
Southwest hydrology 0
Southwest hydrology. 0
The Colorado / 1946
The Indians of the Southwest; a century of development under the United States. 1949
The people : Indians of the American Southwest / 1993
The San Luis Valley Project, Closed Basin Division : facts and concepts about the project / 1987
Wastelanding : legacies of uranium mining in Navajo country / 2015
Water and the Southwest--what is the future? 1962
Western Gulf drainage basin : summary report on water pollution / 1951

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