Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
14C Source Apportionment Technique Applied to Wintertime Urban Aerosols and Gases for the EPA Integrated Air Cancer Project. 1990
1979 Douglas-fir tussock moth suppression projects : Santa Fe National Forest and Ellena Gallegos Grant / 1980
A field investigation of effects of septic tank density on ground-water quality in New Mexico / 1986
A network for monitoring the impact on surface water quality / 1980
A preliminary economic base study of the Animas-Laplata Pilot Project Watersheds in the four corners area of the Colorado River Basin : draft for review and criticism / 1962
A qualitative and quantitative analysis of risk perception and treatment options as related to wildfires in the USDA FS Region 3 National Forests / 2011
A sensitivity test for species distribution models used for gap analysis in New Mexico / 1996
A study of fluvial characteristics and hydraulic variables, middle Rio Grande, New Mexico / 1964
A Study of water quality conditions in the Animas-San Juan-La Plata area : summer 1961 / 1964
A survey of air and population lead levels in selected American communities : final report / 1972
Acoma : people of the white rock. 2002
Acoma, people of the White Rock / 2002
Age and location of volcanic centers <- 3.0 M.Y. old in Arizona, New Mexico and the Trans-Pecos area of west Texas : (modified from R.G. Luedke and R.L. Smith, 1978) / 1981
Air pollution regulations in state implementation plans : New Mexico / 1978
Albuquerque, New Mexico metropolitan area air pollutant emission inventory, 1970
Albuquerque, New Mexico Metropolitan Area Air Pollutant Emission Inventory. 1970
Alluvial fills near Gallup, New Mexico / 1951
Altitudinal Variation of Chlorophyll Concentration and Reflectance of the Bark of 'Populus tremuloides.' 1972
Ambient Airborne Radioactivity Measurements in the Vicinity of the Jackpile Open Pit Uranium Mine New Mexico. 1979
Ambient airborne radioactivity measurements in the vicinity of the Jackpile Open Pit Uranium Mine, New Mexico / 1979
Ambient water quality criteria recommendations : information supporting the development of state and tribal nutrient criteria for lakes and reservoirs in nutrient ecoregion III : xeric west including all or parts of the states of : Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas, and the authorized Tribes within the ecoregion. 2001
Ambient water quality criteria recommendations : information supporting the development of state and tribal nutrient criteria for rivers and streams in nutrient ecoregion IV : Great Plains grass and shrublands including all or parts of North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas and the authorized Tribes within the ecoregion / 2001
Ambient water quality criteria recommendations : information supporting the development of state and tribal nutrient criteria for rivers and streams in nutrient ecoregion IV-great plains grass and shrublands including all or parts of: North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas, and the authorized Tribes within the Ecoregion. 2001
Ambient water quality criteria recommendations : information supporting the development of state and tribal nutrient criteria for rivers and streams in nutrient ecoregion V : south central cultivated Great Plains including all or parts of the states of: Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico, and the authorized tribes within the ecoregion / 2001
An appraisal of potential water salvage in the Lake McMillan delta area, Eddy County, New Mexico / 1974
An appraisal of the possibilities of artificial recharge to ground-water supplies in part of the Roswell basin, New Mexico / 1964
An ecological framework for monitoring sustainable management of wildlife : a New Mexico furbearer example / 1996
An evaluation of aquifer and well characteristics of municipal well fields in Los Alamos and Guaje Canyons, near Los Alamos, New Mexico / 1965
Analysis of air quality control regionalization by the Federal government with emphasis on the Albuquerque Mid-Rio Grande Air Quality Control Region 1974
Analysis of Mercurials in the Elephant Butte Ecosystem. 1974
Analysis of Regional Visibility in the Southwest Using Principal Component and Back Trajectory Techniques. 1985
Analysis of the control strategy for the attainment of national ambient air quality standards for total suspended particulate in the New Mexico portion of the Four Corners Interstate Air Quality Control Region-014 : report / 1976
Analysis of well production from unconfined aquifers contaminated by saline water / 1968
Analytical Interdesciplinary Evaluation of the Utilization of the Water Resources of the Rio Grande in New Mexico: Middle Rio Grande Region. 1973
Analytical interdisciplinary evaluation of the utilization of the water resources of the Rio Grande in New Mexico 1973
Analytical Interdisciplinary Evaluation of the Utilization of the Water Resources of the Rio Grande in New Mexico. 1973
Analytical Interdisciplinary Evaluation of the Utilization of the Water Resources of the Rio Grande in New Mexico: Lower Rio Grande Region. 1973
Analytical Interdisciplinary Evaluation of the Utilization of the Water Resources of the Rio Grande in New Mexico: Socorro Region. 1973
Analytical Interdisciplinary Evaluation of the Utilization of the Water Resources of the Rio Grande in New Mexico: Upper Rio Grande Region. 1973
Analytical results of a long-term aquifer test conducted near the Rio Grande, Albuquerque, New Mexico / 2001
Animas - La Plata Project, Colorado-New Mexico, Summary of the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement 2000
Animas VAlley hydrogeology study 1991
Animas-La Plata Project, Colorado - New Mexico : definite plan report [appendices] / 1979
Animas-La Plata Project, Colorado-New Mexico, Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, Technical Appendices 2000
Animas-La Plata Project, Colorado-New Mexico, Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 1 2000
Animas-La Plata Project, Colorado-New Mexico, Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 2 2000
Animas-La Plata Project, Colorado-New Mexico, Final Supplement to the Final Environmental Statement, Volume II 1996
Animas-La Plata Project, Colorado-New Mexico, Preliminary Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement 2000
Animas-La Plata Project, Colorado-New Mexico, Preliminary Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 1 and Volume 2 2000
Annual New Mexico Water Conference 1959
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