Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Environmental planning in New England : Proceedings of tha Fall technical meeting. Kittery, Maine, October 18,1973. 1973
Environmental training programs [in] New England / 1976
EPA New England Regional Climate Adaptation Plan. 2014
EPA New England state of the environment report, 2002 / 2002
EPA New England U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Quality Management Plan, May 5, 2005. 2004
EPA New England's oil program / 2005
EPA Region I policy statement on refineries and deepwater ports in New England. 1974
EPA's 2008 report on the environment : indicators presenting data for EPA Region 1 / 2008
Estimation of the recharge area contributing water to a pumped well in a glacial-drift, river-valley aquifer 1989
Estimation of total nitrogen and phosphorus in New England streams using spatially referenced regression models / 2004
Estimation of Total Nitrogen and Phosphorus in New England Streams using Spatially Referenced Regression Models. 2004
Evaluating the Cumulative Effects of Alteration on New England Wetlands. 1988
Evaluation of streamflow requirements for habitat protection by comparison to streamflow characteristics at index streamflow-gaging stations in southern New England / 2004
Evaluation of the EPA Region 1 New England Marina Initiative. Promoting Environmental Results Through Evaluation. 2010
Evaluation of the Role of Public Outreach and Stakeholder Engagement in Stormwater Funding Decisions in New England : Lessons from Communities / 2013
Experiments in bioregionalism : the New England river basins story 1984
Faith in a seed : the dispersion of seeds, and other late natural history writings / 1993
Field and Laboratory Studies of Chemical Contamination and Environmentally Related Diseases in Fish and Molluscs of New England. 1993
Field Indicators for Identifying Hydric Soils in New England. Version 1. 1995
Flora of the Northeast : a manual of the vascular flora of New England and adjacent New York / 1999
Flora of the Northeast : a manual of the vascular flora of New England and adjacent New York / 2007
Forest health monitoring plot design and logistics study / 1991
Forest Health Monitoring, New England, 1990. Annual Report. 1991
Framework for the Assessment of the Wildlife Habitat Value of New England Salt Marshes. 2006
Gauging the health of New England's lakes and ponds : a survey report and decision-making resource / 2010
George D. Hall's the New England industrial service directory 1976/1977 / 1976
Global warming : what does it mean for New England? : a report on the June 26, 1997 EPA Regional Conference sponsored by the EPA Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation, Office of Economy and Environment. 1997
Greater Boston breathes better : Boston is world class. Our universities, hospitals, museums and sports teams can take your breath away. The air you breathe shouldn't. / 2004
Greater Boston breathes better : Success Stories / 2008
Green building : New England regional laboratory. 2003
Ground water atlas of the United States Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont / 1995
Guidance on the use of passive-vapor-diffusion samplers to detect volatile organic compounds in ground-water-discharge areas, and example applications in New England / 2002
Guide to energy & environmental assistance programs in New England 1996
Harbor management strategies for New England 1981
Harris New England manufacturers directory. 1995
Histological studies of mussels from dredged material disposal sites / 1984
Historical floods in New England / 1964
Hydraulic Fracturing of Drilled Water Wells to Stimulate Their Yield: A Feasibility Study. 1973
Hydric soils of New England 1987
Hydric soils of New England / 1989
Hydrologic unit map--1974, states of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut / 1974
Illustrated key to the seaweeds of New England 1995
Impact of urbanization on New England lakes an experiment in regional interdisciplinary research to assist lake management efforts / 1977
Improving EPA's Performance with Program Evaluation : Project in Excellence and Leadership: New England Universities' Laboratories Mid-term Evaluation: Piloting Superior Environmental Performance in Labs / 2003
Index of surface-water records to December 31, 1963 North Atlantic slope basins / 1965
Industrial utility of public water supplies in the New England States, 1952, 1953
Influence of a New England Wetland on Water Quantity and Quality. 1972
Injured Coliforms in Drinking Water. 1986
Inventory Development for Evaluation of Measures for the Control of Nontraditional Sources of Particulates in Southern New England. 1978
Inventory of selected freshwater-ecology studies from the New England Coastal Basins (Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island), 1937-97 1999
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