Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Nevada Test Site)

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Select Item Title Year Published
129I in animal thyroids from Nevada and other western States / 1977
131I dairy cow uptake studies using a synthetic dry aerosol / 1966
131I transport through the air-forage-cow-milk system using an aerosol mist (Project Rainout) / 1971
129 I in an animal thyroids from Nevada and other western States / 1977
A community monitoring program surrounding the Nevada test site : one year experience / 1983
A separation technique for the determination of krypton-85 in the environment / 1971
A summer trapping method for mule deer / 1979
Aerosol preparation, generation, and assessment : Project Hare / 1970
Agronomic aspects of the experimental diary farm - 1970 / 1972
Agronomic practices of the experimental diary farm during 1969 / 1971
Agronomic practices of the Nevada Test Site experimental dairy farm during 1971, 1972, and 1973 / 1976
Agronomic practices of the Nevada Test Site experimental dairy farm from 1974 through 1977 / 1978
Animal investigation program (AIP) : A.I.P. summary report on and around the Nevada Test Site from 1982-1995 / 1997
Animal investigation program 1969 annual report / 1970
Animal investigation program 1972 annual report / 1976
Animal investigation program 1973 annual report : Nevada Test Site and vicinity / 1977
Animal investigation program 1974 annual report : Nevada Test Site and vicinity / 1977
Animal investigation program 1975 annual report : Nevada Test Site and vicinity / 1978
Animal investigation program 1976 annual report / 1978
Animal investigation program 1978 annual report : Nevada test site and vicinity / 1980
Animal investigation program 1979 annual report : Nevada test site and vicinity / 1981
Animal investigation program 1980 annual report : Nevada test site and vicinity / 1982
Animal investigation program 1981 annual report : Nevada test site and vicinity / 1983
Animal investigation program for the Nevada test site : 1957-1981 / 1984
Artemisia Shrub Size and Radiation Damage to Artemisia from Local Fallout from Project Schooner. 1971
Characteristics and migration patterns of mule deer on the Nevada test site / 1985
Dairy farm radioiodine studies following the Pin Stripe event of April 25, 1966 / 1969
Dense Gas Plume Field Measurements at the Nevada Test Site. 1995
Environmental monitoring report for the Nevada test site and other test areas used for underground nuclear detonations : January through December 1975 / 1976
Environmental monitoring system for nuclear tests / 1971
Environmental monitoring with thermoluminescent dosimeters : an evaluation of the system and a comparison to photographic methods / 1969
Final environmental impact statement for the Nevada Test Site and off-site locations in the State of Nevada / 1996
Final environmental impact statement for the Nevada Test Site and off-site locations in the State of Nevada : readers guide / 1996
Final report of environmental surveillance for Phoebus 2A reactor test series, May - July 1968 / 1970
Final report of off-site surveillance for Operation Niblick : July 1, 1963-June 30, 1964 / 1966
Final report of off-site surveillance for Operation Nougat : September 15, 1961 - June 30, 1962 / 1964
Final report of off-site surveillance for Operation Storax / 1965
Final report of off-site surveillance for the Drill Event of December 5, 1964 / 1965
Final report of off-site surveillance for the Kiwi B4D experiment / 1964
Final report of off-site surveillance for the Kiwi B4E experiment / 1965
Final report of off-site surveillance for the Kiwi TNT experiment / 1965
Final report of off-site surveillance for the NRX-A2 experiment / 1965
Final report of off-site surveillance for the NRX-A3 experiment / 1965
Final report of off-site surveillance for the NRX-A4/EST test series / 1966
Final report of off-site surveillance for the Phoebus 1-A experiement / 1966
Final report of off-site surveillance for the Pin Stripe Event, April 25, 1966 / 1972
Final report of the off-site surveillance for the Baneberry Event December 18, 1970 / 1972
Five-year summary report of an experimental dairy herd maintained on the Nevada Test Site : 1971 through 1975 / 1977
Freshwater algae of the Nevada Test Site / 1979
Fruit and vegetable radioactivity survey follow-on, Nevada test site environs / 1978
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