Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Nervous System Diseases)

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Select Item Title Year Published
2,4-D, some current issues / 1983
Adams and Victor's principles of neurology / 2005
Advances in neurobehavioral toxicology applications in environmental and occupational health / 1990
Advances in neurotoxicology : proceedings of the International Congress of Neurotoxicology, Varese, Italy, 27-30 September 1979 1980
Aluminum neurotoxicity 1980
Cellular and molecular neurotoxicology 1984
Child neurology 2000
Chronic effects of organic solvents on the central nervous system and diagnostic criteria report on a joint WHO/Nordic Council of Ministers Working Group, Copenhagen, 10-14 June 1985. 1985
Chronic neurological sequelae of acute organophosphate pesticide poisoning : a case-control study, final report. 1980
Chronic neurological sequelae of acute organophosphate pesticide poisoning : an epidemiologic study : final report / 1982
Chronic neurological sequelae of acute organophosphate pesticide poisoning : an epidemiologic study {Microfiche} : final report / 1982
Diagnostic imaging. Brain / 2010
Effects of foods and drugs on the development and function of the nervous system : methods for predicting toxicity : proceedings of the Fifth FDA Science Symposium, held at the Hospitality House, Arlington, Virginia, October 10-12, 1979 / 1980
Effects of perchloroethylene/drug interaction on behavior and neurological function / 1977
Environmental contaminants and neurological disorders / 2021
Essential forensic neuropathology / 2010
Experimental and clinical neurotoxicology / 2000
Experimental neurology. 1959
From molecules to minds : challenges for the 21st century : workshop summary / 2008
Greenfield's Neuropathology / 1976
Handbook of neurotoxicology / 2002
Health hazard evaluation report : Armco Composites, Hartford City, Indiana 1982
Immunology of the nervous system / 1997
Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology. 1942
Mechanisms of actions of neurotoxic substances 1982
Mechanisms of n-hexane-induced neuropathy 1980
Merritt's neurology / 2005
Metal neurotoxicity 1988
Metals and oxidative damage in neurological disorders 1997
Methods of behavioral analysis in neuroscience / 2009
Neonatal exposure to highly brominated diphenyl ethers and perfluorinated compounds : developmental dependent toxicity and interaction / 2009
Nervous system toxicology 1982
Neurobehavioral teratology / 1984
Neurobehavioral toxicology. 1979
Neurobehavioural methods in occupational and environmental health reports from the second international symposium, Copenhagen, 6-9 August 1985 / 1985
Neurobiology of disease. 1994
Neuroglia / 2005
Neurological anatomy in relation to clinical medicine / 1981
Neurological epidemiology : principles and clinical applications 1978
Neurology for non-neurologists / 1988
Neuropathology and applied neurobiology. 1975
Neuropathy Target Esterase Inhibition by Organophosphorus Esters in Human Neuroblastoma Cells. 1994
Neuroprotection methods and protocols / 2007
Neuroreport. 1990
Neurotoxic effects of nicotine during neonatal brain development : critical period and adult susceptibility / 2003
Neurotoxicity : identifying and controlling poisons of the nervous system : new developments in neuroscience. 1990
Neurotoxicity of industrial and commercial chemicals 1985
Neurotoxicology 1999
Neurotoxicology 1985
Neurotoxicology / 2010
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