Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 13
Showing: Items 1 - 13
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Neoplasms therapy)

Select Item Title Year Published
Afterloading in radiotherapy : proceedings of a conference held in New York City, May 6-8, 1971. / 1971
Cancer gene therapy : past achievements and future challenges / 2000
Cancer research. 1941
Cancer treatment and survival site-specific registries in Japan / 1995
Clinical trials education series (CTES). 2006
Consensus Development Conference on the Management of Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer. 1988
Endoscopic approaches to cancer diagnosis and treatment 1990
Gene therapy for neoplastic diseases / 1994
Molecular basis of cancer 2001
Molecular cancer therapeutics. 2001
Prostatic acid phosphatase measurement : its role in detection and management of prostatic cancer / 1982
Thermal characteristics of tumors : applications in detection and treatment / 1980
Thyroid neoplasms / 2005

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