Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1986 flood control and navigation maps of the Mississippi River : Cairo, Illinois to the Gulf of Mexico / 1986
1988 flood control and navigation maps of the Mississippi River : Cairo, Illinois to the Gulf of Mexico : including navigation charts middle Mississippi River below Hannibal, Missouri and the gulf outlet, New Orleans to the Gulf of Mexico / 1988
Active military sonar and marine mammals : chronology with references / 2005
Alabama Water-Resources Spectrum. 1972
Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal and the Dismal Swamp Canal routes of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, Virginia and North Carolina (maintenance dredging) : final environmental impact statement / 1975
American practical navigator an epitome of navigation. 1962
Analysis of Upper Mississippi River System correlations between physical, biological, and navigation variables : draft final report / 1981
Animal migration, navigation, and homing : symposium held at the University of Tubingen, August 17- 20, 1977 1978
Annotated Outline of a Water-Resources Development Plan for Alabama. 1971
Annual report - Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway Winter Navigation Board. 0
Aspects of Migration and Orientation in Pacific Salmon. II. An Electrophysiological Approach to Salmon Homing. 1973
Baseline studies and impacts of navigation on the benthos and drift (work task 6), on the quantity of flow to side channels (work task 14), and on the suspended matter entering side channels (work task 16) of Pool 9 of the Upper Mississippi River 1981
Beneficial Uses of Great Lakes Dredged Material: A Report of the Great Lakes Beneficial Use Task Force. 2001
Boston Harbor navigation improvement dredging : berth dredging project / 1994
Boston Harbor navigation improvement dredging and berth dredging project / 1995
CEVNI : European code for inland waterways / 1998
Chapman piloting & seamanship 2003
Chapman piloting & seamanship / 2009
Chapman piloting & seamanship / 2006
Chapman piloting, seamanship & small boat handling 1991
Chetco ocean dredged material disposal site (ODMDS) designation : final environmental impact statement / 1991
Coastal navigation step by step 1975
Commercial navigation in large rivers and the development of appropriate management alternatives / 1993
Comprehensive master plan for the management of the Upper Mississippi River System : Environmental Work Team technical report 1981
Comprehensive master plan for the management of the Upper Mississippi River System. 1982
Decision Support Framework Implementation of the Web-Based Environmental Decision Analysis Application DASEES: Decision Analysis for a Sustainable Environment, Economy, and Society. 2012
Decisionmaking framework for management of dredged material : application to Commencement Bay, Washington / 1985
Delegations of authority under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) which are applicable to the superfund program. 1984
Demonstration of Autonomous Air Monitoring Through Robotics. 1989
Demonstration of the "CABOS" wastewater treatment system for vessels (1975-77) a development and demonstration project / 1977
Demonstration program final report / 1979
Detroit River, Michigan: An Ecological Profile. 1988
Divine providence : the 2011 flood in the Mississippi River and Tributaries Project / 2012
Economic and energy analyses of regional water pollution control / 1978
Effects of commercial and recreational navigation on selected physical and chemical variables in Navigation Pool no. 9, Upper Mississippi River 1981
Effects of navigation and operation/maintenance of the Upper Mississippi River System nine-foot channel on commercial fish and fishing 1981
Effects of navigation and operation/maintenance of the Upper Mississippi River System nine-foot channel on larval and juvenile fishes 1981
Effects of navigation and operation/maintenance of the Upper Mississippi River System nine-foot channel on waterfowl populations 1981
Enlargement of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal : hydraulic and mathematical model investigation 1973
Environmental assessment : maintenance dredging Honga River and Tar Bay navigation channel, Dorchester County, Maryland / 1988
Environmental assessment : maintenance dredging Knapps Narrors navigation channel, Talbot County, Maryland / 1988
Environmental assessment : maintenance dredging Smith Island navigation channels, Somerset County, Maryland / 1988
Environmental assessment : maintenance dredging Wicomico River navigation channel, Wicomico County, Maryland / 1988
Environmental Base and Management Study - Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana. 1975
Environmental Evaluation FY 1973 interim report : Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway Navigation Season Extension Demonstration Program / 1973
Environmental Evaluation FY 1974 interim report : Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway Navigation Season Extension Demonstration Program / 1974
Environmental impact statement, draft : Freshwater Bayou ocean dredged material disposal site designation / 1990
Environmental impact statement, draft : Mermentau River ocean dredged material disposal site designation / 1990
European inland waterways = Voies navigables europ eennes = Evrope iskie vodnye puti / 1999
Evaluation of Differential LORAN-C for Positioning in Nearshore Marine and Estuarine Waters / 1990
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