Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 31
Showing: Items 1 - 31
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Natuurwetenschappen)

Select Item Title Year Published
A short history of nearly everything / 2003
Abstracting scientific and technical literature; an introductory guide and text for scientists, abstractors, and management 1971
Academic Press dictionary of science and technology / 1992
American scientist. 1942
Conversion factors 1991
Doing science : design, analysis, and communication of scientific research / 2001
Encyclopedia of physical science and technology / 2002
Facing up : science and its cultural adversaries / 2001
From certainty to uncertainty : the story of science and ideas in the twentieth century / 2002
Fundamental measures and constants for science and technology. 1974
Growth and diffusion phenomena : mathematical frameworks and applications / 1994
Journeys of women in science and engineering : no universal constants / 1997
Nature. 1869
Nature. 1869
Of acceptable risk : science and the determination of safety / 1976
Passionate minds : the inner world of scientists / 1997
Science in culture / 1998
Science news. 1966
Science. 1880
Self-organized criticality : emergent complex behavior in physical and biological systems / 1998
Sustainability indicators : a scientific assessment / 2007
Symmetry discovered : concepts and applications in nature and science / 1975
The craft of editing : a guide for managers, scientists, and engineers / 2000
The hidden connections : integrating the biological, cognitive, and social dimensions of life into a science of sustainability / 2002
The mathematics of diffusion. 1956
The Scientist. 1986
The Turning Point : Science, Society, and the Rising Culture / 1982
Unity of knowledge : the convergence of natural and human science / 2001
Van Nostrand's scientific encyclopedia / 1989
Women in science : antiquity through the nineteenth century : a biographical dictionary with annotated bibliography / 1986
Women of science : righting the record / 1993

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