Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 11
Showing: Items 1 - 11
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Nature Effect of human beings on History)

Select Item Title Year Published
An environmental history of the world : humankind's changing role in the community of life / 2001
DDT, Silent spring, and the rise of environmentalism : classic texts / 2008
First along the river : a brief history of the U.S. environmental movement / 2007
First along the river : a brief history of the U.S. environmental movement / 1997
Green versus gold : sources in California's environmental history / 1998
Human impact on ancient environments / 1999
People and the land through time : linking ecology and history / 1997
Something new under the sun : an environmental history of the twentieth-century world / 2000
The destruction of California / 1965
The Indian Island massacre : place, labor, and environmental change on California's northwest / 2012
Unending frontier : an environmental history of the early modern world by / 2003

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