Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 13
Showing: Items 1 - 13
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Natural selection)

Select Item Title Year Published
A primer of ecological genetics / 2004
Chance and change : ecology for conservationists / 1998
Darwin : a graphic biography : the really exciting and dramatic story of a man who mostly stayed at home and wrote some books / 2013
Evolution : constant change and common threads / 2006
Evolution : fossils, genes, and mousetraps. 2007
Great transitions : the origin of tetrapods / 2014
Notes on the theory and application of selection principles for the genetic improvement of animals / 1988
Predation and freshwater communities 1980
Selection in natural populations / 1997
Survival of the prettiest : the science of beauty / 2000
Survival of the sickest : a medical maverick discovers why we need disease / 2007
The making of the fittest : natural selection and adaptation, the birth and death of genes, natural selection in humans / 2011
The origin of species / 2013

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