Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 29
Showing: Items 1 - 29
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Natural gas wells)

Select Item Title Year Published
Assessment of environmental fate and effects of discharges from offshore oil and gas operations / 1985
Destin Dome 56 Unit Development and Production Plan and Right-of-Way Pipeline Application. Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Volume 1: Sections 1-10. 1999
Destin Dome 56 Unit Development and Production Plan and Right-of-Way Pipeline Application. Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Volume 2: Figures and Tables. 1999
Economic impact analysis of the proposed oil and natural gas NESHAP. 1996
Federal financial responsibility demonstrations for owners and operators of class II oil and gas related injection wells / 1990
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry : project summary [Microfiche] / 1997
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry, volume 1 / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry, volume 2 / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry, volume 3. : General methodology / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. : volume 10. Metering and pressure regulating stations in natural gas transmission and distribution / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. : volume 11. Compressor driver exhaust / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. : volume 12. pneumatic devices / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. : volume 13. chemical injection pumps / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. : volume 14. glycol dehydrators / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. : volume 15. gas-assisted glycol pumps / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. : volume 4. Statistical methodology / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. : volume 5. Activity factors / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. : volume 6. Vented and combustion source summary / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. : volume 7. Blow and purge activities / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. : volume 8. Equipment leaks / 1996
Methane emissions from the natural gas industry. : volume 9. Underground pipelines / 1996
Methane Emissions from the Natural Gas Industry: Production and Transmission Emissions. 1992
National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants for source categories : oil and natural gas production and natural gas transmission and storage : background information for promulgated standards, summary of public comments and responses. 1999
National emmisions standards for hazardous air pollutants for source categories : oil and natural gas production and natural gas transmission and storage - background information for proposed standards / 1997
Permitting Guidance for Oil and Gas Hydraulic Fracturing Activities Using Diesel Fuels: Response to Summary Comments. 2014
Permitting Guidance for Oil and Gas Hydraulic Fracturing Activities Using Diesel Fuels: Underground Injection Control Program Guidance Number 84. 2014
Potential benefits of effluent limitation guidelines for coastal oil and gas facilities in Cook Inlet, Alaska : final report / 1995
Report to Congress on hydrogen sulfide air emissions associated with the extraction of oil and natural gas. 1993
Results of sampling natural gas wells in the vicinity of Project Gasbuggy / 1973

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