Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 21
Showing: Items 1 - 21
Your Search: (SUBJECT=National Water Quality Assessment Program)

Select Item Title Year Published
Agriculture--a river runs through it : the connections between agriculture and water quality / 2018
Analyses of subsurface Permian rock samples from the central Oklahoma aquifer 1990
Biology as an integrated component of the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-Quality Assessment Program 1994
Design of the national water-quality assessment program : occurrence and distribution of water-quality conditions / 1995
Going against the current : expanding the inland aquatic monitoring culture of federal and state agencies / 1999
Guidelines for collecting and processing samples of stream bed sediment for analysis of trace elements and organic contaminants for the National Water-Quality Assessment Program / 1994
Guidelines for quality assurance and quality control of fish taxonomic data collected as part of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program / 1998
Guidelines for studies of contaminants in biological tissues for the National Water-Quality Assessment Program / 1993
Guidelines for the processing and quality assurance of benthic invertebrate samples collected as part of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program 1993
Implementation plan for the National Water-Quality Assessment Program / 1990
Methods for characterizing stream habitat as part of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program / 1993
Methods for collecting algal samples as part of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program / 1993
Methods for collecting benthic invertebrate samples as part of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program / 1993
Microbiological monitoring for the U.S. Geological Survey National Water-Quality Assessment Program / 2000
Opportunities to improve the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Quality Assessment Program / 2002
Preparing for the third decade of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program / 2012
Revised methods for characterizing stream habitat in the National Water-Quality Assessment Program 1998
Selected organic compounds and trace elements in water, bed sediment, and aquatic organisms, upper Snake River Basin, Idaho and western Wyoming, water years 1992-94 1997
Water quality in the Mobile River Basin, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and Tennessee, 1999-2001 / 2004
Water-quality assessment of the Trinity River Basin, Texas : nutrients in streams draining an agricultural and an urban area, 1993-95 / 1996
Water-quality assessment of the Trinity River Basin, Texas : nutrients in two coastal prairie streams draining agricultural areas, 1994-95 / 1996

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