Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 8
Showing: Items 1 - 8
Your Search: (SUBJECT=National Sea Grant Program New York Sea Grant Institute)

Select Item Title Year Published
An analysis of shellfish sanitation data / 1979
Annotated bibliography of the hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) / 1982
Characteristics of the ground-water seepage into Great South Bay / 1980
Demand for construction minerals in the greater New York metropolitan area 1979
Oil spills : a coastal resident's handbook. 1980
Physical oceanography and water quality of New York Harbor and western Long Island Sound 1975
Surficial sediments and seagrasses of eastern Great South Bay, N.Y. / 1978
The impact of dredged holes on oxygen demand in the Lower Bay, New York harbor / 1978

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