Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Nachhaltige Entwicklung)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Agenda for a sustainable America / 2009
Beyond growth : the economics of sustainable development / 1996
Bioregional planning : resource management beyond the new millennium / 2000
Creeping environmental problems and sustainable development in the Aral Sea basin / 1999
Dancing with the tiger : learning sustainability step by natural step / 2002
Eco-efficiency and beyond : towards the sustainable enterprise / 2004
Ecological economics reviews / 2010
Ecoregion-based design for sustainability / 2002
Ecosystem management for sustainability : principles and practices illustrated by a regional biosphere reserve cooperative / 1999
Emerald cities : urban sustainability and economic development / 2010
Energy revolution : policies for a sustainable future / 2003
Environmentalism & the technologies of tomorrow : shaping the next industrial revolution / 2005
Flashpoints in environmental policymaking : controversies in achieving sustainability / 1997
Global sustainable development report 2015 : climate change and sustainable development : assessing progress of regions and countries / 2015
Governance for the Sustainable Development Goals : exploring an integrative framework of theories, tools, and competencies / 2019
Greening the corporation : management strategy and the environmental challenge / 2001
Human well-being and the natural environment / 2004
International environmental policymaking : transatlantic cooperation and the World Summit on Sustainable Development / 2002
Linkages of sustainability / 2010
Linking sustainable community activities to pollution prevention : a sourcebook / 1997
Lost landscapes and failed economies : the search for a value of place / 1996
Management of natural resources, sustainable development and ecological hazards / 2007
Managing the business case for sustainability : the integration of social, environmental and economic performance / 2006
Mannahatta : a natural history of New York City / 2009
Marine protected areas : tools for sustaining ocean ecosystems / 2001
Natural capitalism : creating the next industrial revolution / 1999
Plan B 2.0 : rescuing a planet under stress and a civilization in trouble / 2006
Reuniting economy and ecology in sustainable development / 1999
Sprawl & politics : the inside story of smart growth in Maryland / 2008
Structuring an energy technology revolution / 2009
Sustainability : a philosophy of adaptive ecosystem management / 2005
Sustainability indicators : a scientific assessment / 2007
Sustainable communities and the challenge of environmental justice / 2005
Sustainable communities in Europe / 2001
Sustainable development in a dynamic world : transforming institutions, growth, and quality of life. 2003
Sustainable development strategies : a resource book / 2002
Sustainable energy : choosing among options / 2005
Sustainable energy--without the hot air / 2009
Sustaining life on earth : environmental and human health through global governance / 2008
The drama of the commons / 2002
The Earthscan reader in sustainable development / 1995
The green economy and the water-energy-food nexus / 2018
The limits to growth : the 30-year update / 2004
The local politics of global sustainability / 2000
The making of green knowledge : environmental politics and cultural transformation / 2001
The road to sustainability : GDP and future generations / 2008
The sustainable sites handbook : a complete guide to the principles, strategies, and practices for sustainable landscapes / 2012
Tillage for sustainable cropping / 2002
Toward a sustainable energy future / 2001
Vision and leadership in sustainable development / 1999
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