Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 501 - 550

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Select Item Title Year Published
Economic Characterization of the Albemarle-Pamlico Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan. 1993
Economic Evaluation of Zoning Alternatives in the Management of Estuarine Resources in South Carolina. 1972
Economic Impacts of Aquatic Invasive Species: A Review of the Literature. 2005
Economic theory of natural resources 1974
Economics and ecology : united for a sustainable world / 2012
Economics and the environment : a time for taking stock 1980
Economics of natural environments : studies in the valuation of commodity and amenity resources / 1975
Economics of natural resources and the environment / 1990
Economics of protected areas : a new look at benefits and costs / 1990
Ecoregions and Subregions of Iowa: A Framework for Water Quality Assessment and Management. 1994
Ecoregions of the conterminous United States / 1986
Ecoregions of the Upper Midwest States / 1988
Ecoregions: A Spatial Framework for Environmental Management. 1993
Ecosystem geography / 1996
Ecosystem Management, Chapter 2. 1997
Ecosystem monitoring and ecological indicators : an annotated bibliography / 1994
Ecotopia : the notebooks and reports of William Weston / 1990
Educators Earth Day sourcebook : Grades 7-12. 1990
Educators Earth Day sourcebook : Grades K-6. 1990
Effects of single and multiple stressors on communities of wheat and wild oats / 1998
Elijah Clark State Park. 0
EMAP information management strategic plan : 1993-1997. 1994
EMAP Monitor, January 1991 Edition. 1991
EMAP Symposium on Western Ecological Systems: Status, Issues, and New Approaches, Held April 6-8, 1999 at Holiday Inn, Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco, CA. 1999
Emerald city : an environmental history of Seattle / 2007
Emergy synthesis : theory and applications of the emergy methodology / 2000
EMPA Monitor - March 1992 Edition. 1992
Encounters with the archdruid / 1971
Encyclopedia of environmental information sources : a subject guide to about 34,000 print and other sources of information on all aspects of the environment / 1993
Energy conservation strategies / 1973
Energy politics in Colombia 1989
Energy research in the Colstrip, Montana, area / 1975
Engineer and the Environment. 1971
Enviro$en$e handbook 1997
Enviro$ense : an electronic environmental communications network promoting efficient pollution prevention, innovative technology, and compliance assistance.
Environment 1991: risks to Vermont and Vermonters : a report / 1991
Environment 1994 : an assessment. 1994
Environment : a bibliography of social science and related literature / 1974
Environment abstracts annual. 1980
Environment abstracts. 1994
Environment and economy property rights and public policy / 1991
Environment and resource policies for the world economy 1994
Environment for women working on environmental problems 1974
Environment in Israel national report to the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development / 1992
Environment in Israel. 1979
Environment in peril / 1991
Environment index. 1971
Environment law review. 1970
Environment statistics in Europe and North America an experimental compendium / 1987
Environment U.S.A. a guide to agencies, people, and resources. 1974
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