Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 2170
Showing: Items 201 - 250

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Select Item Title Year Published
Biological survey for the nation 1993
Bioregional planning : resource management beyond the new millennium / 2000
Biosphere 2000 protecting our global environment / 1993
Biosphere and environmental safety / 2019
Biosphere politics : a new consciousness for a new century / 1991
Biosphere reserves in action case studies of the American experience / 1995
Black Hills area resource conservation and development project plan 1969
Black Hills Area Resources Study. 1967
Blueprint for survival / 1972
Blueprint for the Environment : advice to the president-elect from America's environmental community / 1988
Bobby Brown State Park. 0
Border 2012 : U.S. - Mexico environmental program : state of the border region indicators report 2010. 2011
Border 2012 : U.S.-Mexico environmental program : indicators report 2005 = Frontera 2012 : programa ambiental Mexico-Estados Unidos : reporte de indicadores 2005. 2006
Border 2012 : U.S.-Mexico environmental program = Frontera 2012 : programa ambiental Mexico-Estados Unidos. 2003
Border 2012 : U.S.-Mexico environmental program = Frontera 2012 : programa ambiental Mexico-Estados Unidos. 2002
Border 2012 : U.S.-Mexico environmental program English version. 2000
Border 2020: U.S.-Mexico environmental program. 2012
Bordering on trouble resources and politics in Latin America / 1986
Bound to the earth 1994
Breaking new ground 1987
Briefing book for workshop on tribal issues associated with the Grand Canyon Visibility Transport Commission : March 29-31, 1995 Albuquerque, New Mexico / 1995
Building green infrastucture : land conservation as a watershed protection strategy / 1999
Building state and local pollution prevention programs / 1992
Bureaucracy vs. environment the environmental costs of bureaucratic governance / 1981
Bureaucratic landscapes : interagency cooperation and the preservation of biodiversity / 2003
Business guide to Idaho environmental reviews requirements and definitions for environmental permits, approvals, and certifications / 1996
Buy recycled training manual : a guidebook for government buyers and using agencies / 1993
California administrative code : title 14, natural resources. 1976
California environmental guide : a selective reference guide to state-focused environmental organizations and government agencies / 2003
California, an environmental atlas & guide 1991
Canada's Green Plan Canada's Green Plan for a healthy environment. 1990
Captive management and conservation of amphibians and reptiles 1994
Caring for the earth : a strategy for sustainable living. 1991
Caring for the land : environmental principles for site design and review / 1977
Carrying capacity in regional environmental management / 1974
Cartographic and Geometric Components of a Global Sampling Design for Environmental Monitoring. 1992
Cascadia Wild Protecting an International Ecosystem 1993
Casco Bay Watershed Wetlands Characterization. 2001
Case for environmental education : a collection of readings in environmental awareness. 1971
Cases and materials on energy and natural resources law / 1979
Catalogue and directory of New England states and regional GIS organizations and activities, and an assessment of their future GIS needs. 1992
Cecil Andrus : politics western style / 1998
Central Kitsap County wastewater facilities : supplement to the draft environmental impact statement / 1976
CERCLA coordination with Natural Resource Trustees. 1997
Changing waste in changing times : solid waste and natural resource issues in rural Alaska : a teacher's guide / 1994
Charcoal in the mist : an overview of environmental security issues and initiatives in the Central Albertine Rift / 2008
Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program 2002 Implementation Review Report. Technical Report 02-2. 2002
Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program 2006 Implementation Review Report, October 1, 2002 through September 30, 2005. Technical Report 06-1. 2006
Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program Fiscal Year 2009 Workplan and Fiscal Year 2008 Workplan Amendments. Technical Report 08-2. 2008
Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program Fiscal Year 2010 Workplan and Fiscal Year 2009 Workplan Amendments. Technical Report 09-1. 2009
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