Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 64
Showing: Items 51 - 64

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Select Item Title Year Published
Review and summary of natural resource damage assessment regulations 1995
Section of Natural Resources, Energy, and Environmental Law. [papers] / Fall Meeting : 1993
Securing America's Critical Minerals Supply Act : report together with minority views (to accompany H.R. 1068). 2023
Should trees have standing? : toward legal rights for natural objects / 1974
Strategy for the implementation of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976. 1977
Superfund outlook for and experience with natural resource damage settlements : report to Congressional requesters / 1996
Sustaining the nation's forest and rangeland resources for future generations : Renewable Resources Extension Act : strategic plan for the state-federal partnership, 2005-2009. 2004
Taking from the taxpayer public subsidies for national resource development ; majority staff report / 1994
Techniques to measure damages to natural resources : final report / 1987
The evolution of natural resources law and policy / 2010
The laws of nature : reflections on the evolution of ecosystem management law and policy / 2013
Transcript, public meeting: strategy for the implementation of the resource conservation and recovery act of 1976, January 19, 1978, Arlington, Virginia. 1978
Valuing natural assets : the economics of natural resource damage assessment / 1993
Virginia environmental law journal. 1989
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