Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 691
Showing: Items 1 - 50

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Select Item Title Year Published
1973 national emissions data systems (NEDS) fuel use report / 1976
1974 national emissions data systems (NEDS) fuel use report 1978
1975 national emissions data systems (NEDS) fuel use report / 1978
1976 Energy Fact Book. 1975
1976 national emissions data systems (NEDS) fuel use report / 1979
1977 national emissions data systems (NEDS) fuel use report / 1980
1992 natural gas vehicle challenge : EPA emissions and fuel economy testing. 1992
1995 Rocky Mountain Symposium on Environmental Issues in Oil and Gas Operations : practical solutions for the '90's : proceedings : Golden, Colorado, USA, October 16-18, 1995 / 1995
2008 refining processes handbook. 2008
2011 refining processes handbook. 2011
2012 gas processes handbook. 2012
A basic research model of natural gas combustion in turbulent flow / 1990
A dictionary for the oil and gas industry. 2011
A guide to the emissions certification procedures for alternative fuel aftermarket conversions / 1998
A hands-on guide to implementing the Natural Gas STAR Program. 2003
A Preliminary assessment of the gaseous fuels aftermarket conversion industry / 1992
A study of environmental concerns : offshore oil and gas drilling and production / 1978
A study of natural gas fueling of locomotive engines / 1998
A summary of accidents related to non-nuclear energy. 1977
Accidents and unscheduled events associated with non-nuclear energy resources and technology / 1977
Achievable cost-effective natural gas savings in the United States due to adoption of aggressive energy efficiency policies and programs 2006
Act in relation to oil, gas, coal and other surface and underground resources and rules and regulations 1961
Advanced alternative fuels technology. 1993
Advanced Nonthermally Polluting Gas Turbines in Utility Applications. 1971
Advancing State Clean Energy Funds. Options for Administration and Funding. 2008
Air Pollutant Emission Inventory for the State of Montana. 1971
Air Pollutant Emission Inventory for the State of New Hampshire. 1972
Air Pollutant Emission Inventory, State of Minnesota Air Quality Division. 1971
Air pollution : status of dispute over Alaska oil pipeline air quality controls : report to the chairman, Subcommittee on Energy Regulation and Conservation, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, U.S. Senate / 1988
Air pollution aspects of aldehydes {microform} / 1969
Air quality and the natural gas industry : issues, considerations, and regulation / 2013
Alternative control techniques document : NOx emissions from stationary gas turbines / 1993
Alternative fuel light-duty vehicles : summary of results from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's vehicle evaluation data collection efforts / 1996
Alternative fuel transit buses : final results from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) vehicle evaluation program / 1996
Alternative fuel trucks case studies : running refuse haulers on compressed natural gas / 1996
Alternative fuel vehicles : the emerging emissions picture : interim results, Summer 1996. 1996
Alternative Fuels for Automotive Transportation. A Feasibility Study. Volume II. Technical Section. 1974
Ambient Temperature and Driving Cycle Effects on CNG Motor Vehicle Emission. 1993
An Alternative to oil : burning coal with gas : the economic and environmental benefits of burning coal and natural gas mixtures in boilers originally designed for oil / 1981
An analysis of the regulatory aspects of natural gas supply : abridged report / 1973
An analysis of the regulatory aspects of natural gas supply. 1973
An assessment of the oil and gas potential of the Washington outer continental shelf / 1989
An evaluation of the exhaust emissions from two vehicles equipped with compressed natural gas conversion kits / 1970
Analysis for natural gas and similar gaseous mixtures by gas chromatography / 2013
Analysis of Emissions from Residential Natural Gas Furnaces. 1994
Analysis of natural gas liquid mixtures containing nitrogen and carbon dioxide by gas chromatography / 2013
Analysis of test data for NOx control in gas and oil-fired utility boilers / 1975
Analysis of the composition of the atmosphere in the Los Angeles basin / 1974
Analysis of the economic and environmental effects of compressed natural gas as a vehicle fuel : special report / 1990
Analysis of the economic and environmental effects of compressed natural gas as a vehicle fuel. : Volume 1: passenger cars and light trucks / 1990
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