Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 120
Showing: Items 1 - 50

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Select Item Title Year Published
1982 urban landslide disaster at Ancona, Italy 1987
A Safer future : reducing the impacts of natural disasters / 1991
Acts of God, acts of man 1977
American hazardscapes : the regionalization of hazards and disasters / 2001
Assessment of research on natural hazards 1975
Atlantic and Indian Oceans environment outlook / 2005
Bibliography of synthesis documents on selected coastal ocean topics / 1994
Biological and environmental hazards, risks, and disasters / 2016
Biosphere and environmental safety / 2019
Building and measuring community resilience : actions for communities and the Gulf Research Program / 2019
Capitalizing on catastrophe : neoliberal strategies in disaster reconstruction / 2008
Catastrophe modeling : a new approach to managing risk / 2005
Climate risk management in Africa : learning from practice / 2007
Community emergency preparedness : a manual for managers and policy-makers. 1999
Cooperating with nature : confronting natural hazards with land use planning for sustainable communities / 1998
Coordination of the Water and Emergency Services Sectors: An Important Step to Better Response. 2012
Disaster Assistance - Earthquake Hazard Reduction. (Secours en Cas de Desastres Naturels Tremblements de Terre. Volume 2). 1971
Disaster Assistance - Earthquake Hazard Reduction. Volume 1. (Secours en Cas de Desastres Naturels Tremblements de Terre. Volume 1). 1971
Disaster management : global challenges and local solutions / 2009
Disaster resilience : an integrated approach / 2006
Disaster, planning and development managing natural hazards to reduce loss / 1990
Disasters : the anatomy of environmental hazards 1979
Disasters and democracy : the politics of extreme natural events / 1999
Disasters by design : a reassessment of natural hazards in the United States / 2001
Disasters by design : a reassessment of natural hazards in the United States / 1999
Drawing Louisiana's new map : addressing land loss in coastal Louisiana / 2006
Ecology of natural disturbance and patch dynamics 1985
Emergency Response Plan Guidance for Wastewater Systems. 2004
Emergency Support Function #10 - Hazardous Materials, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Region VIII, Wasatch Fault Risk Area Regional Supplement to the Federal Disaster Response Plan 1991
Emergency waiver of EPA regulations : authorities and legislative proposals in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina / 2005
Environment as hazard 1978
Environmental disasters, natural recovery and human responses / 2007
Environmental geology of western Coos and Douglas Counties, Oregon / 1975
Environmental geology. 1993
Environmental geoscience: interaction between natural systems and man 1973
Environmental hazards : assessing risk and reducing disaster / 2004
Environmental hazards : assessing risk and reducing disaster / 2002
Environmental hazards : assessing risk and reducing disaster / 1996
Environmental hazards : the fluid dynamics and geophysics of extreme events / 2011
Environmental impacts of natural hazards : the need for agency action / 1999
Environmental public health impacts of disasters : Hurricane Katrina : workshop summary / 2007
Environmental toxicity of nanomaterials / 2018
EPA advierte al publico sobre los posibles peligros a la salud ambiental al regresar a sus hogares y negocios. 2005
EPA and Federal Partners Warn of Potential Environmental Health Hazards When Returning to Homes and Businesses after Hurricane Katrina. 2005
Epidemiologic surveillance after natural disaster 1982
Facing catastrophe : environmental action for a post-Katrina world / 2010
Facing the challenge the U.S. national report to the IDNR World Conference on Natural Disaster Reduction, Yokohama, Japan, May 23-27, 1994. 1994
Fact Sheet on Drinking Water. 2005
Federal natural disaster response plan. 1990
Flatland deposits of the San Francisco Bay region, California : their geology and engineering properties and their importance to comprehensive planning 1979
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