Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 34
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Mytilus edulis)

Select Item Title Year Published
A Field and laboratory study using adenylate energy charge as an indicator of stress in Mytilus edulis and Nephtys incisa treated with dredged material / 1988
Adenylate Energy Charge and Adenine Nucleotide Measurements as Indicators of Stress in the Mussel, 'Mytilus edulis', Treated with Dredged Material under Laboratory Conditions. 1989
Application of Adenine Nucleotide Measurements for the Evaluation of Stress in 'Mytilus edulis' and 'Crassostrea virginica'. 1982
Application of the DNA Alkaline Unwinding Assay to Detect DNA Strand Breaks in Marine Bivalves. 1993
Availability of PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls) and PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) to 'Mytiluj edulis' from Artificially Resuspended Sediments. 1987
Benzo(a)pyrene Concentrations in Somatic and Gonad Tissues of Bay Mussels, 'Mytilus edulis'. 1982
Bioaccumulation of PCB Congeners by Blue Mussels 'Mitilus edulis' Deployed in New Bedford Harbor, Massachusetts. 1993
Carcinogenicity of Black Rock Harbor Sediment to the Eastern Oyster and Trophic Transfer of Black Rock Harbor Carcinogens from the Blue Mussel to the Winter Flounder. 1991
Chemical carcinogens in bivalve mollusks from Oregon estuaries / 1979
Comparison of field and laboratory bioaccumulation of organic and inorganic contaminants from Black Rock Harbor dredged material / 1988
Comparison of Several Physiological Monitoring Techniques as Applied to the Blue Mussel, 'Mytilus edulis' Along a Gradient of Pollutant Stress in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. 1982
Comparison of the Physiological Condition of the Blue Mussel, 'Mytilus edulis', After Laboratory and Field Exposure to a Dredged Material. 1987
Dredged Material Plume Dispersal in Central Long Island Sound. 1989
Effects of Black Rock Harbor dredged material on the scope for growth of the blue mussel 'Mytilus Edulis' after laboratory and field exposures / 1987
Effects of Environmental Factors on Radiocadmium Uptake by Four Species of Marine Bivalves. 1976
Effects of habitat characteristics on mussel growth in Padilla Bay, Washington / 1990
International Mussel Watch. 1980
New Bedford Harbor long-term monitoring assessment report : baseline sampling / 1996
Pilot Study on the Design of a Petroleum Hydrocarbon Baseline Investigation for Northern Puget Sound and Strait of Juan de Fuca. 1976
Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Cellular Proliferative Disorders in Bivalve Molluscs from Oregon Estuaries. 1982
Programmable Turbidistat for Suspended Particles in Laboratory Aquaria. 1983
Relationships between Accumulation of a 60 kDa Stress Protein and Scope-for-Growth in 'Mytilus edulis' Exposed to a Range of Copper Concentrations. 1991
Responses of an Estuarine Population of the Blue Mussel 'Mytilus edulis' to Heated Water from a Steam Generating Plant. 1975
Seasonal Variations of Arsenic and Other Trace Elements in Bay Mussels 'Mytilus edulis' (Journal Version). 1982
Shift in Photosynthetic Picoplankton Composition and Its Effect on Bivalve Mollusc Nutrition: The 1985 'Brown Tide' in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. 1988
Species profiles : life histories and environmental requirements of coastal fishes and invertebrates (North and Mid-Atlantic) : blue mussel / 1989
TBBPA: Determination of Effects on the Growth of the Common Mussel Mytilus edulis. 2005
Testing and application of biomonitoring methods for assessing environmental effects of noxious algal blooms / 1990
The Mussel Mytilus : ecology, physiology, genetics, and culture / 1992
The relationship between ions and ciliary activity in the gill of Mytilus edulis / 1972
Toxicity of selected pesticides to the bay mussel (Mytilus edulis) / 1975
Uptake and Depuration of Organic Contaminants by Blue Mussels (Mytilus edulis) Exposed to Environmentally Contaminated Sediment. 1986
Use of an Inert Radioactive Particle for Measuring Particle Accumulation by Filter-Feeding Bivalve Molluscs. 1976
Use of the Blue Mussel, 'Mytilus edulis', in Water Quality Toxicity Testing and In situ Marine Biological Monitoring. 1990

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