Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 10
Showing: Items 1 - 10
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Muskellunge)

Select Item Title Year Published
Food habits of muskellunge in Wisconsin / 1997
Growth of known-age muskellunge in Wisconsin: and validation of age and growth determination methods / 1971
Habitat suitability index models : muskellunge / 1987
Managing muskies : a treatise on the biology and propagation of muskellunge in North America : proceedings of an international symposium held in LaCrosse, Wisconsin, April 4-6, 1984 / 1986
Movement and behavior of the muskellunge determined by radio-telemetry / 1979
Opinions of anglers who fished muskellunge in Wisconsin, 1989 / 1994
Performance of Leech Lake, Minnesota, muskellunge in a Wisconsin lake / 1997
Population dynamics of stocked adult muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) in Lac Court Oreilles, Wisconsin : 1961-1977 / 1986
Survival and growth of stocked muskellunge : effects of genetic and environmental factors / 1996
The muskellunge fishery in nine northern Wisconsin lakes / 1993

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