Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1978 needs survey : conveyance and treatment of municipal wastewater summaries of technical data. 1979
1978 winter municipal wastewater treatment facility : performance report / 1979
2001 Coastal Municipal Stormwater Infrastructure Mapping Project. A Final Report to the New Hampshire Estuaries Project. 2003
2001 Storm Drain Monitoring and Municipal Training Project. A Final Report to the New Hampshire Estuaries Project. 2003
2003 Coastal Municipal Stormwater Infrastructure Mapping Project. A Final Report to the New Hampshire Estuaries Project. 2004
A guide to federal environmental requirements for small governments / 1993
A guide to regulations and guidance for the utilization and disposal of municipal sewage sludge. 1980
A methodological approach to an economic analysis of the beneficial outcomes of water quality improvements from sewage treatment plant upgrading and combined sewer overflow controls : environmental benefits analysis series / 1985
A Survey of household hazardous wastes and related collection programs. 1986
A survey of pathogen survival during municipal solid waste and manure treatment processes / 1980
Action Program for Clean Water. 1969
Advanced Waste Treatment Performance Evaluation: Summary Report. 1984
Aerobic and Anaerobic Treatment of C.I. Disperse Blue 79. Volume 1. 1989
Aerobic and Anaerobic Treatment of C.I. Disperse Blue 79. Volume 2. Appendices. 1989
Air Borne Emissions from Municipal Incinerators. 1969
Air quality data : 1974 third quarter statistics / 1976
Airport emission inventory methodology / 1974
All You Need to Know about Sewage Treatment Construction Grants: Federal Funds Available for Municipal Water Pollution Control. 1976
Alternative Financing Methods for Clean Water. 1971
Alternative Management Systems. Areawide Waste Treatment Management Plan for the Greater Houston Area (Section 208, P.L. 92-500). 1977
Alternative Technical Subplans. Areawide Waste Treatment Plan for the Greater Houston Area (Section 208, P.L. 92-500). 1977
Alternative waste management techniques for best practicable waste treatment. 1975
An analysis of construction cost experience for wastewater treatment plants : technical report. 1976
Anaerobic and aerobic treatment of combined potato processing and municipal wastes / 1976
Analysis of operations and maintenance costs for municipal wastewater treatment systems / 1978
Analysis of the Microbiological Particulates in Municipal Drinking-Water by Scanning Electron Microscopy/X-ray Energy Spectroscopy (Analyse von Biologischen Partikeln im Trinkwasser durch Rasterelektronen-Mikroskopie und Elektronenstrahlmikroanalyse). 1987
Analysis of U.S. Municipal Waste Combustion Operating Practices. 1989
Analytical Interdisciplinary Evaluation of the Utilization of the Water Resources of the Rio Grande in New Mexico. 1973
Andrew W. Breidenbach Environmental Research Center small systems resource directory. 1992
Application of an Ozone Disinfection Model for Municipal Wastewater Effluents. 1982
Application of Sludges and Wastewater on Agricultural Land: A Planning and Education Guide. 1978
Application of the 'Master Analytical Scheme' to Influent and Effluent Wastewaters. 1988
Aquaculture systems for wastewater treatment : seminar proceedings and engineering assessment / 1979
Aqueous-phase oxidation of sludge using the vertical reaction vessel system. {Microfiche} 1987
Areawide Waste Treatment and Water Quality Management Planning. Appendix A-1. Report on Point Sources of Pollution in Southern Illinois 208 Area. 1978
Assessment of current information on overland flow treatment of municipal wastewater / 1980
Assessment of Mathematical Models for Storm and Combined Sewer Management. Appendix F: Selected Computer Input and Output. 1976
Assessment of single-stage trickling filter nitrification / 1991
Assessment of single-stage trickling filter nitrification / 1991
Assessment of the biolac technology / 1990
Assessment of the Impacts of Industrial Discharges on Publicly Owned Treatment Works: Appendicies. 1981
Automation of Sludge Processing: Conditioning, Dewatering, and Incineration. 1985
Automobile exhaust emission surveillance analysis of the FY 1974 program. 1976
Automobile exhaust emission surveillance analysis of the FY 73 program / 1975
Awards Register. Grants Assistance Programs. Volume II. Listing State and Local Assistance Awards During the Transition Quarter (July-September) of FY 1976. 1977
Awards Register: Grants Assistance Programs. Volume II. Listing Awards During January-June of FY 1976, Listing State and Local Assistance Awards. 1976
Bachman Treatment Facility for Excessive Storm Flow in Sanitary Sewers. 1977
Before and after case studies: Comparisons of water quality following municipal treatment plant improvements [microform] / 1984
Belt filter presses. 1986
Benefit-Cost Relationship in Entry Job Training in Water Distribution. 1973
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