Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Multivariate Analysis)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A pilot study for ambient toxicity testing in Chesapeake Bay : year 4 report. 1997
A primer of multivariate statistics / 1975
Achieving greater consistency between subjective and objective risks / 1989
Ambient toxicity testing in Chesapeake Bay : year 5 report / 1998
Ambient toxicity testing in Chesapeake Bay : year 6 report / 1998
Ambient toxicity testing in Chesapeake Bay : year 7 report / 2000
American People and Their Environment-1973. A Study of National Opinion and Attitudes about Environmental Problems and Their Solution for the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Volume I. 1973
An introduction to multivariate analysis of variance / 2001
An introduction to multivariate statistical analysis 1958
An introduction to multivariate statistics / 1979
Analysing qualitative data 1961
Analysis of categorical data 1974
Analysis of cross-classified categorical data 1977
Analysis of ecological communities / 2002
Analysis of Multiple Correlated Binary Outcomes: Application to Rodent Teratology Experiments. 1989
Analysis of ordinal categorical data 1984
Analysis of repeated measures / 1990
Application of Cluster Analysis to Aerometric Data (Journal Version). 1986
Application of Cluster Analysis to Aerometric Data. Volume I. Part 1: Clustering, Validation, and Classification of Data. Part 2: Investigation and Report of Cluster Analysis. 1980
Application of Cluster Analysis to Aerometric Data. Volume II. Part 3: Modifications and Options Applied to Wolfe's NORMIX 360 Cluster Analysis Program. 1980
Application of Cluster Analysis to Aerometric Data. Volume III. Part 4: Separation of Environmental Data into Clusters by the NORMIX Program. 1980
Application of Multivariate Analysis in Hydrology. 1972
Application of Numerical Classification in Ecological Investigations of Water Pollution. 1977
Applied categorical data analysis 1987
Applied longitudinal analysis / 2011
Applied multivariate analysis 1972
Applied multivariate data analysis / 1991
Applied multivariate methods for data analysts 1998
Applied multivariate statistical analysis / 1988
Applied multivariate statistical analysis / 1998
Applied multivariate statistical analysis / 2002
Applied multivariate statistical analysis / 2007
Applied multivariate statistics in geohydrology and related sciences 1998
Applied multivariate statistics with SAS software 1995
Applied multivariate statistics with SAS software / 1999
Applied regression analysis and other multivariable methods 1978
Applied regression analysis and other multivariable methods / 1988
Applied regression analysis and other multivariable methods. 1998
Association of Personal and Workplace Characteristics with Health, Comfort and Odor: A Survey of 3948 Office Workers in Three Buildings. 1993
Biological criteria : technical guidance for streams and small rivers / 1996
Categorical data analysis / 2013
Chemometrics applied to the discrimination of synthetic fibers by microspectrophotometry / 2013
Clustering Criteria and Multivariate Normal Mixtures. 1981
Continuous multivariate distributions 1972
Discrete multivariate analysis : theory and practice / 1975
Effect of Pentachlorophenol on the Activation of 2,6-Dinitrotoluene to Genotoxic Urinary Metabolites in CD-1 Mice: A Comparison of GI Enzyme Activities and Urine Mutagenicity. 1991
Effects of Temperature and Salinity on 'Menidia beryllina' Embryos Exposed to Terbufos. 1990
Factor analysis : statistical methods and practical issues / 1978
Final report on task 1-6, Subtask 3 : Statistical design and analysis for a study to determine whether changing analytical methods has a significant effect on estimates of baseline levels and time trends / 1986
First course in methods of multivariate analysis. 1972
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