Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 40
Showing: Items 1 - 40
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Multiple purpose)

Select Item Title Year Published
Accumulation of Sediment in Three Mississippi Reservoirs. 1973
Alternative Economic Evaluation Procedures and Water Development Projects: The Multiple Objective Problem. 1973
Analytical Techniques for Planning Complex Water Resource Systems. 1974
Behavior of Water in a Sourthwestern Impoundment. 1971
Development of a Dynamic Water Management Policy for Texas. 1973
Ecological Risk Assessment. 1996
Economic and energy analyses of regional water pollution control / 1978
Economic Development of Areas Contiguous to Multi-purpose Reservoirs: The Kentucky-Tennessee Experience. 1971
Economic Reappraisal of the Toledo Bend Multiple-Purpose Water Project. 1970
Effects of Reservoir Operating Policy on Recreation Benefits. 1972
Evaluation of Streamflow Forecasts for Reservoir Operation. 1971
Factors Influencing the Residential Utilization of Reservoir Shorelands in the Southeast. 1970
Field Investigation of Mixing and Dispersion in a Deep Reservoir. 1967
Impact of a Major New Reservoir upon Recreation Behavior. 1972
Impact of a Proposed Reservoir on Local Land Values. 1972
Initial Results from the Upper Wabash Simulation Model. 1973
Instrumentation for Engineering Management of a Multi-Purpose River Basin System (Trinity River Basin, Texas). Real-Time Engineering Management of a Multi-Purpose River Basin System. 1973
Investigation of the Hydrologic Sensitivities to Climate: A Case Study for the American River, Washington (Final Technical Report). 1990
Missouri River Main Stem Reservoir Regulation Studies. 1974
Model for a Linked System of Multi-Purpose Reservoirs with Stochastic Inflows and Demands. 1972
North Fork alluvial decontamination project : Hubbard Creek reservoir watershed / 1974
Operating Guidelines for Multiple-Purpose Reservoirs. 1971
Operating Policies for the Upper Wabash Surface Water System. 1972
Operation of the Old River Control Project, Atchafalaya Basin: An Evaluation from Multiuse Management Standpoint. 1979
Optimal Policy for Operation of a Multipurpose Reservoir. 1971
Optimal Release Sequences for Water Quality Control in Multiple-Reservoir Systems. 1969
Optimum Reservoir Operation Using Stochastic Dynamic Programming. 1970
Outdoor Recreation, South Platte River Basin, Colorado. 1968
Preimpoundment study, Little Black Creek drainage basin, Black Creek watershed, Bulloch County, Georgia / 1977
Probabilistic Models in the Design and Operation of a Multi-Purpose Reservoir System. 1973
Social and Cultural Impact of a Proposed Reservoir on a Rural Kentucky School District. 1973
Socio-Economic Study of Multiple-Use Water Supply Reservoirs. 1971
Stochastic Multi-Level Optimization Technique for Design of a Multi-Purpose Water Resource Project. 1970
Storage for Municipal and Industrial Water Supply and Stream Quality Control Sand, Copan, Birch, Candy, and Skiatook Reservoirs Lower Verdigris River Basin Oklahoma. 1961
Studies in the Analysis of Metropolitan Water Resource Systems. Volume VII: Conflict and Choice: Multiobjective Water-Resources Planning. 1973
Water Quality Recreation Project. Geist Reservoir, Indianapolis, Indiana. 1965
Water Resources Activities in the United States. Flood Problems and Management in the Tennessee River Basin. 1959
Water Resources Activities in the United States. The Impact of New Techniques on Integrated Multiple-Purpose Water Development. 1960
Water Supply and Water Quality Control Study Tioga-Hammond-Cowanesque Reservoirs, Chemung River Basin, Pennsylvania and New York. 1969
Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for Advisory Groups. Multiple Use. Citizen Handbook. 1995

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