Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 27
Showing: Items 1 - 27

Select Item Title Year Published
Boundary scenarios for 8-hour ozone nonattainment areas previously designated as nonattainment or maintenance for the 1-hour ozone standard : reference document for commenters. 2003
Boundary scenarios for 8-hour ozone nonattainment areas previously designated as nonattainment or maintenance for the 1-hour ozone standard : reference document. 2004
Control of emissions of hazardous air pollutants from mobile sources : response to comments. 2000
Control of emissions of hazardous air pollutants from mobile sources. 2000
Control of emissions of hazardous air pollutants from mobile sources. 2000
Control of emissions of hazardous air pollutants from mobile sources. 2000
Control of hazardous air pollutants from mobile sources : early credit technology requirement revision. 2008
Control of hazardous air pollutants from mobile sources : final rule to reduce mobile source air toxics. 2007
Control of hazardous air pollutants from mobile sources : regulatory impact analysis / 2007
Control of hazardous air pollutants from mobile sources : summary and analysis of comments / 2007
Control of hazardous air pollutants from mobile sources. 2006
Cross border sales policy for 2004 and later model year vehicles / 2013
Cross border sales policy for 2004 and later model year vehicles / 2002
Draft regulatory impact analysis : control of hazardous air pollutants from mobile sources. 2006
Emissions standards for heavy-duty clean-fuel fleets : regulatory support document. 1993
EPA policy on cross-border sales of 2000 MY "California" vehicles / 1999
Final report of the Small Business Advocacy Review Panel on EPA's planned proposed rule : mobile source air toxics: control of hazardous air pollutants from mobile sources. 2005
Interim guidance for federal facility compliance with Clean Air Act sections 118(c) and 118(d) and applicable provisions of state vehicle inspection and maintenance programs : draft / 1999
Mobile source enforcement program info sheet. 1991
Motor vehicles and the 1990 Clean Air Act. 1994
Nonroad engines and air pollution / 1995
Nonroad engines and air pollution / 1996
Notice of a settlement agreement with the Engine Manufacturers Association to propose a manufacturer-run, in-use emissions testing program for heavy-duty diesel trucks and to provide engine certification guidance. 2003
Reducing air pollution from nonroad engines. 2000
Small business advocacy review panel (SBRFA) letter from panel to the EPA Administrator : summary report. 2005
Small entity compliance guide for "control of hazardous air pollutants from mobile sources" : (40 CFR parts 59, 80, 85, and 86, February 26, 2007) / 2007
State and federal standards for mobile source emissions / 2006

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