Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 49
Showing: Items 1 - 49
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Motor vehicles Air pollution)

Select Item Title Year Published
14C Source Apportionment Technique Applied to Wintertime Urban Aerosols and Gases for the EPA Integrated Air Cancer Project. 1990
Ambient versus predicted carbon monoxide levels / 1982
An analysis of inspection/maintenance program options for Jefferson County, Kentucky : executive summary / 1979
Analysis of motor vehicle fuel tank-related fires / 1988
Analysis of original equipment and aftermarket manufacturer oxygen sensor constructional, functional, and price differences / 1989
Automobile exhaust emission surveillance analysis of the FY 73 program / 1975
Carpools, Vanpools, and High Occupancy Preference Lanes: Cost Effectiveness and Feasibility. 1977
Conceptual design issues : developing a new highway vehicle emissions estimation methodology / 1991
Control strategies for in-use vehicles. 1972
Defect testing of five catalyst equipped Ford prototype vehicles / 1975
Determination of a range of concern for mobile source emissions of formaldehyde based only on its toxicological properties / 1983
Emission facts : reformulated gasoline. 1999
Evaluation of the feasibility of liquid fillneck seals. 1986
Exhaust emissions from a heavy duty diesel enging equipped with a high pressure common rail fuel injection system / 1997
Factors Influencing the Composition and Quantity of Passenger Car Refueling Emissions. Part 1. 1986
Factors Influencing the Composition and Quantity of Passenger Car Refueling Emissions. Part 2. 1987
Guidance for emission reduction credit generation by clean fuel fleets & vehicles. 1993
Guide to alternative fuel vehicle incentives & laws. 1995
Hybrid propulsion system transmission evaluation : phase I, final report / 1972
I/M network type : effects on emission reductions, cost, and convenience / 1991
Improved mobile source exposure estimation / 1985
Incorporation of a test for exhaust sulfate emissions into the federal emission testing procedure / 1975
Inspection and Maintenance Program Checklist. 1975
Integrating on-board diagnostic system capabilities into the inspection and repair functions of I/M programs : technical information document for the 1990's. 1990
Investigation of Products of Tire Wear. 1972
Low-altitude and low-temperature exhaust emissions tests of four vehicles on oxygenated gasoline blends and gasoline fuels / 1989
MOBILE4 Emission Factor Model: Source Code (One Version Mixed Case, One Version Upper Case), Input Files for Example Runs, and High-Altitude Area I/M Credits (for PS2 or 80386 Chip Microcomputers). 1990
Modification of evaporative emission enclosures to comply with temperature limitations of the 1978 federal testing procedure / 1977
Monitoring and Modeling Methods for Developing Air Pollution Control Strategies: A Case Study in the Northwest Czech Republic. 1995
Motor vehicle tampering survey (1978) / 1978
Motor vehicle tampering survey - 1984 / 1985
NOx national emission inventory estimates / 1980
Options for controlling the global warming impact from motor vehicles / 1989
Overview of I/M activities and issues / 1984
Ozone Precursor Emissions from Alternatively Fueled Vehicles. 1994
Proceedings of two highway vehicle emission inventory workshops / 1991
Recommended I/M short test procedures for the 1990's : six alternatives / 1991
Regulatory Impact Analysis, Oxides of Nitrogen Pollutant Specific Study and Summary and Analysis of Comments. 1985
Rental vehicle surveillance program, March 1968 to January 1970. [By] Daniel B. Pinkert, James M. Marzen and Charles J. Domke. 1971
Report and recommendations of the Oxygenated Fuels Task Force appointed by Richard D. Lamm, Governor, State of Colorado. 1986
Report on the EPA/Manufacturer Cooperative I/M Testing Program / 1992
Shift Schedules for Emissions and Fuel Economy Testing. 1977
Summary Report on Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspection and Maintenance Programs for Non-Attainment Areas in Louisiana. 1979
Supplement A to Compilation of air pollutant emission factors Mobile sources. 1991
Transportation controls to reduce automobile use and improve air quality in cities : the need, the options, and effects on urban activity / 1974
Update of fleet characterization data for use in Mobile6. 1997
Use of data from "development of emission rates for the MOVES model," Sierra Research, March 3, 2010 / 2012
Vehicle exhaust emission instruments evaluation / 1977
Vehicle procurement for testing by FTP and selected short cycles at EPA / 1975

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