Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Motor vehicles Motors Exhaust gas)

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Select Item Title Year Published
2000 calendar year emissions related recall report / 2002
2001 calendar year emissions related recall/service campaign report / 2002
2002 calendar year emissions related recall/service campaign report / 2003
A discussion of possible causes of low failure rates in decentralized I/M programs / 1987
A guide to the emissions certification procedures for alternative fuel aftermarket conversions / 1998
A method for estimating and graphically comparing the amounts of air pollution emissions attributable to automobiles, buses, commuter trains, and rail transit / 1972
A resistively heated catalytic converter with air injection for oxidation of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons at reduced ambient temperatures / 1989
A study of emissions from 1975-1979 light-duty trucks / 1980
A study of emissions from 1975-1979 light-duty trucks / 1980
A Study of emissions from twenty high mileage 1980 model year passenger cars equipped with the GM 350 CID diesel engine / 1983
A Study of highway vehicle emission inventory procedures for selected urban areas. 1993
A wedge analysis of the U.S. transportation sector / 2007
Additional study of preconditioning effects and other IM240 testing issues / 1998
Air pollution : EPA needs more data from FHWA on changes to highway projects : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1990
Air pollution : reliability of EPA's mobile source emission model could be improved : report to the chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1990
Air pollution consequences of using ethanol-gasoline blends in ozone non-attainment areas 1990
Air quality 2014. Volume 1. 2014
Air quality case studies report / 1995
Air quality, 2006. 2006
Air quality. 2016
Ammonia health effects / 1981
Ammonia health effects {Microfiche} 1981
An approach for determining levels of concern for unregulated toxic compounds from mobile sources / 1981
An evaluation of sealed idle mixture adjustment on 1977 Buicks / 1980
An Evaluation of the Hydrocatalyst Corporation's pre-combustion catalyst emission control device. 1974
An evaluation of the Questor emission control system / 1972
An investigation of photoacoustic spectroscopy as a technique for measuring diesel particulate emissions / 1980
An investigation of remote sensing devices for chemical characterization of motor vehicle exhaust : final report / 1998
Analysis of emissions deterioration using Ohio and Wisconsin IM240 data : M6. EXH.002 : draft / 1999
Analysis of particulate matter emissions from light-duty gasoline vehicles in Kansas City / 2008
Analysis of the impacts of control programs on motor vehicle toxics emissions and exposure in urban areas and nationwide / 1999
Analytical support for emission factors development and air quality assessment / 1988
Application format for certification of light-duty motor vehicles : 1981 model year, recommended procedures. 1981
Assessing transportation-related air quality impacts : proceedings of the Conference on the State of the Art of Assessing Transportation-Related Air Quality Impacts held October 22-24, 1975, in Washington, D.C. 1976
Baseline emissions on 6,000 to 14,000 pounds gross vehicle weight trucks / 1973
Boundary scenarios for 8-hour ozone nonattainment areas previously designated as nonattainment or maintenance for the 1-hour ozone standard : reference document for commenters. 2003
Boundary scenarios for 8-hour ozone nonattainment areas previously designated as nonattainment or maintenance for the 1-hour ozone standard : reference document. 2004
Catalyst activity test sequence (CATS) / 1984
Characterization and control of emissions from heavy duty diesel and gasoline fueled engines : final report / 1972
Characterization of alternative fuel vehicle emissions composition and ozone potential 1996
Characterization of vehicle use in five air quality control regions / 1978
Clean fuel fleet program : delay of implementation date / 1998
Clean fuel fleet program implementation guidance / 1998
Clearing the air : an updated report on emission trends in selected U.S. cities / 1997
Clearing the air, choosing the future : reducing highway vehicle emissions in the Chicago ozone nonattainment area : final report / 1992
Combustion and emission formation in SI engines. 1999
Combustion and emissions in SI engines. 1996
Communities in motion : showcasing outreach initiatives 1997-2001 2002
Conceptual design issues : developing a new highway vehicle emissions estimation methodology / 1991
Control of emissions of hazardous air pollutants from mobile sources : response to comments. 2000
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