Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Motor fuels)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1985 CRC octane number requirement survey : CRC project no. CM-123-85 / 1986
1992 SAE fuels and lubricants standards manual. 1992
A brief summary of the technical feasibility, emissions, and fuel economy of pure methanol engines / 1981
A Comparative study of the fuel economy characteristics of Mazda rotary engine vehicles versus conventional reciprocating engine vehicles. 1974
A review of the compatibility of methanol/gasoline blends with motor vehicle fuel systems / 1981
A summary of industry comments received on manganese fuel additive (MMT) / 1977
A summary of industry work on manganese fuel additive (MMT) / 1977
A systems approach to biomass sustainability / 2009
A utilization perspective on current and emerging biofuels / 2009
Additional mini-canister evaluation / 1985
Additives for lubricating oils 1981
Advanced vehicle technologies : energy, environment, and development issues / 2004
Air pollution : air quality implications of alternative fuels : report to the chairman, Subcommittee on Energy and Power, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1990
Air pollution : air quality implications of alternative fuels. 1990
Air quality modeling technical support document : Changes to the renewable fuel standard program. 2010
Alcohol fuels program plan 1978
Alcohols and hydrocarbons as motor fuels / 1964
Alternate fuels : a decade of success and promise / 1994
Alternative diesel fuels / 2004
Alternative fuel : composition, performance, engines, and systems. 1996
Alternative fuel light-duty vehicles : summary of results from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's vehicle evaluation data collection efforts / 1996
Alternative fuel vehicles : the emerging emissions picture : interim results, Summer 1996. 1996
Alternative fuels 1998. 1998
Alternative fuels 2002. 2002
Alternative fuels : alcohols, hydrogen, natural gas and propane. 1993
Alternative fuels : emissions, economics, and performance / 1995
Alternative fuels and advanced technology vehicles : issues in Congress / 2006
Alternative fuels and compatible engine designs : hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy and Power of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, House of Representatives, Ninety-sixth Congress, second session, on cost and flexibility of methanol as a fuel, government initiatives to accelerate its use, and the potential impact it may have on domestic enterprises, December 18, 1980. 1981
Alternative fuels and heavy duty engines. 1997
Alternative fuels experiences of Brazil, Canada, and New Zealand in using alternative motor fuels : report to the Chairman, Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources Subcommittee, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives / 1992
Alternative fuels for future engines. 1999
Alternative fuels for road vehicles 1994
Alternative transportation fuels : issues and developments / 2003
Alternative transportation fuels and vehicles : energy, environment, and development issues / 2004
Alternative transportation fuels and vehicles : energy, environment, and development issues / 2005
Alternative-fueled vehicles : potential impact of exemptions from transportation control measures : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy and Power, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1993
Ambient temperature and vehicle emissions / 1974
Amendments to the requirements on variability in the composition of additives certified under the gasoline deposit control program : partial withdrawl of direct final rule / 2002
An economic analysis of proposed schedules for removal of lead additives from gasoline / 1971
An economic analysis of proposed schedules for removal of lead additives from gasoline. 1971
An energy demand model for light-duty vehicles, with concepts for estimating fuel consumption / 1981
An evaluation of the EI-5 fuel additive. 1976
Analysis of the economic and environmental effects of compressed natural gas as a vehicle fuel : special report / 1990
Analysis of the economic and environmental effects of compressed natural gas as a vehicle fuel. : Volume 1: passenger cars and light trucks / 1990
Analysis of the economic and environmental effects of compressed natural gas as a vehicle fuel. : Volume 2: heavy duty vehicles / 1990
Analysis of the economic and environmental effects of methanol as an automotive fuel : [Special report] / 1989
Application for Certification for Model Year 2000 Light-Duty Truck, Land Rover. 1999
Application for Certification for Model Year 2000 Light-Duty Truck, Land Rover. 1999
Applying and optimizing existing infrastructure for ethanol and biodiesel application : proven examples of making it happen / 2009
Approach for Development Site-Specific Lateral and Vertical Inclusion Zones within which Structures Should be Evaluated for Petroleum Vapor Intrusion due to Releases of Motor Fuel from Underground Storage Tanks. 2013
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