Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 119
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Modell)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A coastal marine ecosystem : simulation and analysis / 1978
A concrete approach to mathematical modelling / 1995
A theory for modeling ground-water flow in heterogeneous media / 2004
A vast machine : computer models, climate data, and the politics of global warming / 2010
Air pollution modeling and its application XII / 1998
Air pollution modeling and its application XIII / 2000
An introduction to generalized linear models / 2002
An introduction to mathematical modeling / 1978
Analysis of biogeochemical cycling processes in Walker Branch Watershed / 1989
Applied contaminant transport modeling / 2002
Applied linear statistical models; regression, analysis of variance, and experimental designs 1974
Bayesian core : a practical approach to computational Bayesian statistics / 2007
Chaos in ecology : experimental nonlinear dynamics / 2003
Climate system modeling / 1992
Continuous system modeling / 1991
Detecting and modelling regional climate change / 2001
Diagenetic models and their implementation : modelling transport and reactions in aquatic sediments / 1997
Dynamic models in biology / 2006
Dynamic state variable models in ecology : methods and applications / 2000
Ecological diversity / 1975
Ecological diversity and its measurement / 1988
Ecological microcosms / 1993
Ecological modeling : a common-sense approach to theory and practice / 2008
Ecological modelling. 1975
Ecological orbits : how planets move and populations grow / 2004
Ecosystem modeling in theory and practice : an introduction with case histories / 1977
Effective groundwater model calibration : with analysis of data, sensitivities, predictions, and uncertainty / 2007
Elements of mathematical ecology / 2001
Energy forecasting for planners : transportation models / 1982
Environmental applications of geochemical modeling / 2002
Environmental foresight and models : a manifesto / 2002
Environmental modeling : a practical introduction / 2007
Environmental modeling and decision making : the United States experience : a report by the Holcomb Research Institute, Butler University for the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment. 1976
Environmental modelling and prediction / 2002
Food webs and biodiversity : foundations, models, data / 2013
Functional equations and modelling in science and engineering / 1992
Fundamentals of ecological modelling : applications in environmental management and research / 2011
Generalized additive models / 1990
Ground water modeling in multilayer aquifers : steady flow / 1990
Groundwater transport : handbook of mathematical models / 1984
Handbook of ecosystem theories and management / 2000
Hydrological forecasting / 1985
Individual-based modeling and ecology / 2005
Introduction to Computable General Equilibrium Models / 2011
Introduction to mathematical consensus theory / 1980
Introduction to the modelling of marine ecosystems / 2004
Learning the art of mathematical modelling / 1985
Linear models in statistics / 2008
Log linear models and logistic regression 1997
Managing the global commons : the economics of climate change / 1994
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