Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
3D geoscience modeling : computer techniques for geological characterization / 1994
A comparison of CALPUFF with ISC3. 1998
A numerical modeling study of waste heat effects on severe weather / 1977
A PC based system for generating ekma input files / 1988
A pilot study on dispersion near roadways / 1978
A revised user's guide to MESOPUFF II (V5.1). 1994
A simplified approach for estimating secondary production of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) using the OZIPR model / 1999
A user's guide for the CALPUFF dispersion model / 1995
Addressing Human Exposures to Air Pollutants Around Buildings in Urban Areas with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Models. 1999
Advanced Technology Vehicle Modeling in PERE (Physical Emission Rate Estimator). 2004
Advisory on the "White paper on the nature and scope of issues on adoption of model use acceptability criteria" / 1999
Advisory on the charter for the Council on Regulatory Environmental Modeling (CREM) / 1999
AERMOD: A Dispersion Model for Industrial Source Applications. 1994
AERMOD: description of model formulation 2004
Aerodynamic Size Measurement of Airborne Fibers and Health Effects Implications. 1992
AERSURFACE user's guide. 2008
Aggregation and Episode Selection Scheme for EPA's Models-3 CMAQ. 1999
Aggregation Using Cluster Analyses for Models-3 CMAQ Applications. 1997
Air dispersion modeling of toxic pollutants in urban areas : guidance, methodology and example applications. 1999
Air Monitoring for Hazardous Materials (165.4). Student Manual. 1997
Air Quality Modeling at Neighborhood Scales to Improve Human Exposure Assessment. 2000
Air Quality Modeling of PM and Air Toxics at Neighborhood Scales. 2000
Air quality modeling platform for the ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard final rule regulatory impact analysis. 2008
Air quality modeling technical support document : 2017-2025 light-duty vehicle greenhouse gas emission standards final rule. 2012
Air Quality Modeling Technical Support Document : Boiler Source Sector Rules. 2010
Air quality modeling technical support document : EGU mercury analysis. 2011
Air quality modeling technical support document : final EGU NESHAP. 2011
Air quality modeling technical support document : heavy-duty vehicle greenhouse gas emission standards final rule. 2011
Air quality modeling technical support document : light-duty vehicle greenhouse gas emission standards final rule / 2010
Air quality modeling technical support document : Point source sector rules / 2011
Air quality modeling technical support document : proposed tier 3 emission standards. 2013
Air quality modeling technical support document : proposed tier 3 emission standards. 2013
Air quality modeling technical support document : source sector assessments. 2011
Air quality modeling technical support document : Tier 3 motor vehicle emission and fuel standards. 2014
Air Qualtiy Modeling at Coarse-to-Fine Scales in Urban Areas. 2003
Air/superfund national technical guidance study series : volume V- procedures for air dispersion modeling at superfund sites. 1995
ALOFT-PC: A Smoke Plume Trajectory Model for Personal Computers. 1996
Ambient Sulfate Aerosol Deposition in Man: Modeling the Influence of Hygroscopicity. 1985
An Evaluation of a solar radiation/delta-T Method for estimating Pasquill-Gifford (P-G) stability categories. 1993
An SAB report : review of EPA's Composite Model for leachate Migration with Transformation Products - EPACMTP. 1995
An SAB report : review of the assessment framework for ground-water model applications / 1993
An SAB report : review of the biotic ligand model of the acute toxicity of metals / 2000
An SAB report : review of the D-CORMIX model / 1999
An SAB report : review of the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) relative risk-based environmental indicators methodology / 1998
An SAB report : the draft strategic plan for the analysis of national human exposure assessment survey (NHEXAS) pilot study data / 2000
An SAB report on the National Center for Environmental Assessment's comparative risk framework methodology / 1999
An urban air quality simulation with community multi-scale air quality (CMAQ) modeling system / 1998
Analysis of Connecticut©¢â‚¬â„¢s Request for Waiver of the Reformulated Gasoline Oxygen Content Requirement for Connecticut Covered Area: Technical Support Document. 2005
Analysis of GAC effluent blending during the ICR treatment studies / 1999
Analysis of Household Water-Use Behavior for Use as IAQ Model Parameters. 2002
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