Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Modèles mathématiques)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A concrete approach to mathematical modelling / 1995
A modular three-dimensional finite-difference ground-water flow model / 1988
Atmospheric chemistry : models and predictions for climate and air quality / 1991
Barrier systems for environmental contaminant containment and treatment / 2006
Causality : models, reasoning, and inference / 2009
Chemical modeling of aqueous systems II : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Geochemistry at the 196th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Los Angeles, California, September 25-30, 1988 / 1990
Classical and three-dimensional QSAR in agrochemistry : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Agrochemicals at the 208th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, August 21-25, 1994 / 1995
Climate system modeling / 1992
Climate-ocean interaction / 1990
Continuous system modeling / 1991
Decisions with multiple objectives : preferences and value tradeoffs / 1993
Diagenetic models and their implementation : modelling transport and reactions in aquatic sediments / 1997
Dynamic modeling of environmental systems / 2000
Dynamic state variable models in ecology : methods and applications / 2000
Elements of mathematical ecology / 2001
Environmental modeling : a practical introduction / 2007
Environmental quality analysis : theory and method in the social sciences: papers from a Resources for the Future conference / 1972
Estuarine and coastal modeling III : proceedings of the 3rd international conference / 1994
Flow and transport in porous media and fractured rock : from classical methods to modern approaches / 1995
Flowgraph models for multistate time-to-event data / 2005
Functional equations and modelling in science and engineering / 1992
Generalized additive models / 1990
Growth and diffusion phenomena : mathematical frameworks and applications / 1994
Improving the effectiveness of U.S. climate modeling / 2001
Introduction to geochemical modeling / 1995
Introduction to mathematical consensus theory / 1980
Inverse modeling of the ocean and atmosphere / 2002
Mathematical modelling in biology and ecology : proceedings of a symposium held at the CSIR, Pretoria, July 1979 / 1980
Mathematical models in water pollution control / 1978
Mathematical structures in population genetics / 1992
Mathematics of financial markets / 1999
Matrix population models : construction, analysis, and interpretation / 2018
Model selection and inference : a practical information-theoretic approach / 1998
Modeling biochemical processes in aquatic ecosystems / 1976
Modelling of marine systems / 1975
Nonlinear parameter estimation / 1974
Probabilistic risk analysis : foundations and methods / 2001
Quantitative skill assessment for coastal ocean models / 1995
Receptor modeling in environmental chemistry / 1985
Risk analysis : a quantitative guide / 2008
Risk analysis : a quantitative guide / 2000
River flow modelling and forecasting / 1986
Simulation and modeling of turbulent flows / 1996
Site characterization library : National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL)--Las Vegas. V. 1- / 1998
Soil physics with BASIC : transport models for soil-plant systems / 1985
Spatial analysis : modelling in a GIS environment / 1996
Stability and complexity in model ecosystems 1973
Statistical analysis of behavioural data : an approach based on time-structured models / 1992
Structured-population models in marine, terrestrial, and freshwater systems / 1997
Systems analysis in ecology / 1966
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