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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Missouri River)

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Select Item Title Year Published
303(e) basin plan for the Central Missouri River basin 1976
303(e) basin plan for the Little Missouri River basin 1976
A base line study of the Missouri River : Rulo, Nebraska to mouth near St. Louis, Missouri : a report submitted to the Department of the Army, Kansas City District, Corps of Engineers, for the period of 1 January 1973 to 31 August 1974 / 1974
A comprehensive program for control of water pollution : Missouri drainage basin / 1953
Altered hydrology of the Missouri River and its effects on floodplain forest ecosystems 1982
Alternatives to Secondary Sewage Treatment Offer Greater Improvements in Missouri River Water Quality. 1972
An indexed annotated bibliography of the rare fishes of the upper Missouri River system / 1977
An Investigation of the Physical Thermal Effects of Once-Through Cooling for Steam Electric Plants on the Upper Missouri River 1975
An investigation of the physical thermal effects of once-through cooling for steam electric plants on the upper missouri river : a joint utility - EPA study performed in conjunction with the NGPRP. 1975
Analysis of nonpoint-source pollutants in the Missouri Basin Region / 1975
Appraisal report on Montana-Wyoming aqueducts : Missouri-Yellowstone tributaries, Pick-Sloan Missouri basin program, Montana-Wyoming 1972
Assessment of energy resource development impact on water quality : the Belle Fourche and Little Missouri River Basins / 1979
Assessment of Missouri River habitat quality with semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) / 1993
Assistance to the Commission in preparing descriptions of water quality and assessing the biological, ecological, and environmental impacts associated with the achievements and requirements of P.L. 92-500 : final report 1975
Case for better waste treatment 1971
Case for Better Waste Treatment. 1971
Central Missouri River Drainage Basin. A Cooperative State-Federal Report on Water Pollution. 1952
Central Missouri River Water Quality Investigation - 1955. 1956
Central Missouri River Water Quality Investigation, 1954. 1955
Central Missouri River water quality investigation, 1955 / 1956
Central Missouri River Water Quality Investigation, August 1952-December 1953. 1954
Changes in the channel of the Lower Missouri River and effects on fish and wildlife 1974
Community Water Supply Study, Kansas City SMSA. 1970
Compilation of records of surface waters of the United States, October 1950 to September 1960 ; Part 6-A, Missouri River basin above Sioux City, Iowa / 1964
Compilation of records of surface waters of the United States, October 1950 to September 1960 ; part 6-B, Missouri River basin below Sioux city, Iowa / 1964
Comprehensive Program for Control of Water Pollution in the Missouri Drainage Basin. 1953
Comprehensive Program for Control of Water Pollution-Missouri Drainage Basin. A Cooperative State-Federal Report on Water Pollution. 1953
Conference at St. Joseph, Missouri on Interstate Pollution in the Missouri River. 1957
Conference in the Matter of Pollution of the Inter-State Waters of the Missouri River-Omaha, Nebraska-Iowa-Missouri-Kansas). 1964
Conference in the Matter of Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Missouri River, Omaha, Nebraska Area (Nebraska-Iowa-Missouri-Kansas) : proceedings, 2d session, July 21, 1964 ... Omaha, Nebraska. 1964
Critical water issues in the Missouri River Basin ; report of the first annual Missouri River Basin Governors' Conference held in conjunction with the 17th meeting of the Missouri River Basin Commission, St. Paul, Minnesota, August 3-4, 1976. 1976
Design of water quality surveillance systems; phase I: systems analysis framework, 1970
Development and Application of Biomonitoring Indicators for Floodplain Wetlands of the Upper Missouri River Basin 2002
Development and application of biomonitoring indicators for floodplain wetlands of the upper Missouri River Basin, North Dakota 2002
Development of a Comprehensive Water Pollution Control Program for the Missouri-Souris-Red River Basins. 1966
Development of Water Quality Models Using Spectral Analysis and Parameter Estimation Techniques. 1974
Directions for recreation : an overview of the Missouri River, Kansas City to St. Louis. 1981
Discover a watershed : the Missouri educators guide / 2004
Draft Environmental Impact Statement: Proposed Wastewater Treatment Facilities for Eastern St. Charles County, Missouri including Duckett Creek Sewer District, St. Peters Sewer District, St. Charles Sewer District, Portage de Sioux Sewer District. 1985
Drainage area data for Little Missouri River Basin : report / 1966
Ecological Study of the Missouri River Prior to Channelization. 1974
Economic Impact of Salinity Increase ion the Missouri River. 1970
Effects of reservoirs on flood discharges in the Kansas and the Missouri River basins, 1993 1994
Effects of Waste Water Discharges on the Flavor of Fishes in the Missouri River, October, 1969. 1970
Energy Supply Projections (1985 and 2000) & Emerging Energy Technology Characteristics for Sectio 13(A) Water Assessments 1978
Environmental study : Upper South Platte Unit, Mount Evans Division / 1973
Everyone can't live upstream : a contemporary history of water quality problems on the Missouri River, Sioux City, Iowa to Hermann, Missouri. 1971
Everyone Can't Live Upstream. A Contemporary History of the Water Quality Problems on the Missouri River (Sioux City, Iowa to Hermann, Missouri). 1971
Factors affecting the mobilization, transport, and bioavailability of mercury in reservoirs of the upper Missouri River Basin / 1987
Fish and wildlife implications of Upper Missouri Basin water allocation : a research assessment / 1975
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