Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 22
Showing: Items 1 - 22
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Minicomputers)

Select Item Title Year Published
All about personal computers in the EPA. 1989
Application of automatic data processing technology to laboratory problems : final report / 1975
Byte. 1975
Computer and Control Equipment. 1971
Computer Architecture for Research in Meteorology and Atmospheric Chemistry. 1987
Computers in libraries. 1989
Computing with mini computers 1973
Data Acquisition System for Rapid Kinetic Experiments. 1983
File organization for minicomputer information retrieval 1972
Guidelines for Preparing Minicomputers Feasibility Studies. 1977
Handbook of microprocessors, microcomputers, and minicomputers 1979
Implementing Procedures for Minicomputers. 1977
Information today. 1984
Minicomputer simplified : an executive's guide to the basics 1980
Minicomputers in data processing and simulation / 1972
Operations Guide to Remote Job Entry Minicomputers. 1977
ORD ADP workshop proceedings no. 2 / 1976
Proceedings Number 1 of the OR and D ADP Workshop held in Bethany College, West Virginia on October 2-4, 1974. 1975
Standard Calibration Instrument Automation System for the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Part I: Functional Specifications. 1982
Standard Calibration Instrument Automation System for the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Part II: User's Guide. 1982
Standard Calibration Instrument Automation System for the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Part III: Program Documentation. 1982
User's guide for the SYSCPG program : a PC version of the PRESTO-EPA-CPG operation system / 1989

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