Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 9
Showing: Items 1 - 9
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Mineral economics)

Select Item Title Year Published
Environmental research outlook, FY 1976 through 1980 : report to Congress / 1976
Evaluation of economic benefits of resource conservation / 1978
Extraction and benefication of ores and minerals : copper / 1994
Extraction and benefication of ores and minerals : gold / 1994
Extraction and benefication of ores and minerals : lead-zinc / 1994
Extraction and benefication of ores and minerals : uranium / 1994
Impact of the Federal Tax Code on Resource Recovery. 1976
Methodology Study to Develop Evaluation Criteria for Wild and Scenic Rivers. Report of Evaluation of Minerals and Mineral Potential of the Salmon River Drainage Basin in Idaho Subproject. 1970
Technical resource document extraction and beneficiation of ores and minerals / 1994

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