Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Mine waters)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A citizen's handbook to address contaminated coal mine drainage. 1997
A study of prospective water pollution control activities for the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (ORSANCO). 1975
Abatement of Mine Drainage Pollution by Underground Precipitation. 1973
Accomplishment Plan. Region VIII. Cheyenne River Basin Area. 1972
Acid Mine Drainage Abatement Measures for Selected Areas within the Susquehanna River Basin. 1968
Acid Mine Drainage Abatement Measures for Selected Areas Within the Susquehanna River Basin. 1968
Acid mine drainage and subsidence : effects of increased coal utilization / 1978
Acid mine drainage formation and abatement / 1971
Acid mine drainage formation and abatement. 1971
Acid mine drainage prediction : technical document / 1994
Acid Mine Drainage Treatment by Ion Exchange. 1972
Acid Mine Pollution Effects on Lake Biology. 1971
Acid-Base Status of Pennsylvania Streams: Results from the National Stream Survey. 1989
Age and growth of walleyes and saugers in the Tongue River Reservoir, Montana, 1975-77 / 1980
Alaskan Placer Mining Study and Testing Summary Report 1984. Preliminary Draft. 1984
Alternative Financing Methods for Clean Water. 1971
An evaluation of tailings ponds sealants / 1974
Appalachian mineral resource development : environmental factors / 1977
Appraisal of Neutralization Processes to Treat Coal Mine Drainage. 1973
Aquatic Insects, with Emphasis on Trichoptera, of a Colorado Stream Affected by Coal Strip-Mine Drainage. 1981
Aquatic-Biotic Community Structure as an Indicator of Pollution. 1972
Areawide Waste Treatment and Water Quality Management Planning. Appendix A-1. Report on Point Sources of Pollution in Southern Illinois 208 Area. 1978
Areawide Waste Treatment and Water Quality Management Planning. Appendix C-2. Geology of the Coal-Mining Portion of the Southern Illinois 208 Area and Its Application to Water Quality Problems. 1978
Areawide Waste Treatment and Water Quality Management Planning. Appendix C-3. Summary Report for the Southern Illinois 208 Mine Waste Control Program. 1978
Assessment of environmental aspects of uranium mining and milling / 1976
Bibliography of water pollution control benefits and costs / 1974
Biological Treatment of Acid Mine Water. 1971
Catawissa Creek mine drainage abatement project / 1977
Characterization of oil shale mine waters, central Piceance Basin, Colorado / 1984
Characterization of Wastewater and Solid Wastes Generated in Selected Ore Mining Subcategories (Sb, Hg, Al, V, W, Ni, Ti). 1981
Chemical and Biological Evaluation of Three Mine Drainage Treatment Plants. 1973
Chemical and microbiological investigations of a surface coal mine settling pond / 1979
Coal remining best management practices guidance manual / 2000
Coal remining statistical support document : draft. 2000
Coeur d'Alene basin : EPA water quality monitoring (1972-1986) / 1988
Combination limestone-lime neutralization of ferrous iron acid mine drainage / 1978
Combination Limestone-Lime Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage. 1972
Combined Treatment of Municipal Wastewater and Acid Mine Drainage. 1972
Comparative Limnology and Biota of Mine Spoils Ponds in Colorado (Journal Version). 1982
Concentrated Mine Drainage Disposal into Sewage Treatment Systems. 1971
Control of Mine Drainage from Coal Mine Mineral Wastes. Phase II. Pollution Abatement and Monitoring. 1973
Cooperative Mine Drainage Study Selected Areas in the Clarion River Basin. 1971
Cooperative Mine Drainage Survey, Kiskiminetas River Basin. 1972
Cooperative Salinity Control Reconnaissance Study, Upper Colorado River Basin. 1970
Cost of reclamation and mine drainage abatement : Elkins Demonstration Project / 1970
Damage cases and environmental releases from mines and mineral processing wastes. 1997
Danage Cases and Environmental Releases from Mines and Mineral Processing Sites. 1998
Debris basins for control of surface mine sedimentation / 1976
Demonstration of debris basin effectiveness in sediment control / 1980
Design manual : neutralization of acid mine drainage / 1983
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