Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 19
Showing: Items 1 - 19

Select Item Title Year Published
Applied microbial physiology : a practical approach / 1997
Color atlas of microbiology 1975
Continuous cultivation of microorganisms : 7th International Symposium, Prague, July 10-14, 1978 : abstracts of papers / 1978
CRC handbook of laboratory model systems for microbial ecosystems 1988
Culture media for microorganisms and plants. 1978
Effect of water quality on the metabolism of the lactic streptococci 1968
Environmental control of cell synthesis and function: the 5th International Symposium on the Continuous Culture of Micro-organisms, held at St. Catherine's College, University of Oxford, July 1971; 1972
Handbook of media for environmental microbiology 1995
Handbook of microbiological media 1993
Handbook of microbiological media / 2004
Handbook of microbiological media / 1997
Maintenance of microorganisms and cultured cells : a manual of laboratory methods / 1991
Microalgae culture collection 1986-1987 / 1986
Microbial interactions and communities / 1982
Microbial interactions and communities. 1982
Overproduction of microbial metabolites strain improvement and process control strategies / 1986
Preservation of bacteria with notes on other micro-organisms 1974
Principles of microbe and cell cultivation 1975
Rapid assays for microbial degradation of 2-chlorophenol 1980

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