Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1912
Showing: Items 1 - 50
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Select Item Title Year Published
'Proctoeces' sp. (Trematoda: Digenea) in the American Oyster, 'Crassostrea virginica'. 1981
14C Source Apportionment Technique Applied to Wintertime Urban Aerosols and Gases for the EPA Integrated Air Cancer Project. 1990
15-meter LANDSAT analyses of the Mississippi River : map series from headwaters to the gulf of Mexico / 2003
1979 Douglas-fir tussock moth suppression projects : Santa Fe National Forest and Ellena Gallegos Grant / 1980
1993 review, water quality standards for salinity, Colorado River system 1993
1994 Rio Grande toxics study : an evaluation and user's guide / 1995
1994 update to the North American Waterfowl Management Plan : expanding the commitment. 1994
2007 North American road atlas : coverage for United States, Canada, Mexico / 2007
2010 Gulf Coast oil disaster: litigation and liability. 2010
A barrier to our shared environment : the border fence between the United States and Mexico / 2007
A field guide to shells : Atlantic and Gulf coasts and the West Indies / 1995
A field investigation of effects of septic tank density on ground-water quality in New Mexico / 1986
A framework for an integrated and comprehensive monitoring plan for the estuaries of the Gulf of Mexico / 2000
A guide to planting seagrasses in the Gulf of Mexico. 1993
A key to the marine dinoflagellate genera of the west coast of Florida / 1966
A network for monitoring the impact on surface water quality / 1980
A preliminary economic base study of the Animas-Laplata Pilot Project Watersheds in the four corners area of the Colorado River Basin : draft for review and criticism / 1962
A Preliminary environmental assessment of the Buccaneer oil/gas field : a report / 1976
A qualitative and quantitative analysis of risk perception and treatment options as related to wildfires in the USDA FS Region 3 National Forests / 2011
A Report on physical and chemical processes affecting the management of Perdido Bay : results of the Perdido Bay interstate project / 1991
A report on sea-level monitoring of the incineration of organic chloride waste by M/T Vulcanus in the northern Gulf of Mexico, Shell waste burn no. 2 / 1975
A report on the condition of the estuaries of Alabama in 1993-1995 : a program in progress / 1998
A river no more : the Colorado River and the West / 1981
A science strategy to support management decisions related to hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico and excess nutrients in the Mississippi River basin / 2004
A sensitivity test for species distribution models used for gap analysis in New Mexico / 1996
A study of Colorado River water quality near Yuma, Arizona / 1961
A study of fluvial characteristics and hydraulic variables, middle Rio Grande, New Mexico / 1964
A study of selected chemical and biological conditions of the Lower Trinity River and Upper Trinity Bay. 1970
A study of the effects of a commercial hydraulic clam dredge on benthic communities in estuarine areas / 1971
A Study of water quality conditions in the Animas-San Juan-La Plata area : summer 1961 / 1964
A Summary of knowledge of the eastern Gulf of Mexico, 1973. / 1973
A survey of air and population lead levels in selected American communities : final report / 1972
A Taxonomic listing of soft bottom macro- and megainvertebrates from infaunal & epibenthic monitoring programs in the Southern California Bight / 1996
A taxonomic listing of soft bottom macro- and megainvertebrates from infaunal & epibenthic monitoring programs in the Southern California Bight / 1998
AAA Map'n'go {electronic resource} / 1996
AAA North America road atlas : United States, Canada, Mexico. 1999
AAA road atlas United States, Canada, Mexico. 1993
AAA TravelBook Mexico. 0
Accounting system for water and consumptive use along the Colorado River, Hoover Dam to Mexico 1996
Accuracy assessment of 1992 Landstat-MSS derived land cover for the Upper San Pedro watershed (U.S./Mexico) {microform} / 2002
Accuracy Assessment of 1997 Landsat Thematic Mapper Derived Land Cover for the Upper San Pedro Watershed (U.S./Mexico). 2000
Acoma : people of the white rock. 2002
Acoma, people of the White Rock / 2002
Action Plan for Reducing, Mitigating, and Controlling Hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. 2001
Action plan for reducing, mitigating, and controlling hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico. 2001
Active leases and infrastructure : September 1993 / 1993
Aerial reconnaissance of the Colorado, Whitewater, and Alamo Rivers, Nevada, Arizona, and California 1981
Aerostat sampling of PCDD/PCDF emissions from the Gulf oil spill in situ burns / 2010
Aerostat Sampling of PCDD/PCDF Emissions from the Gulf Oil Spill In Situ Burns. 2010
Age and location of volcanic centers <- 3.0 M.Y. old in Arizona, New Mexico and the Trans-Pecos area of west Texas : (modified from R.G. Luedke and R.L. Smith, 1978) / 1981
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