Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 28
Showing: Items 1 - 28
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Metropolitan areas United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
A comparative atlas of America's great cities : twenty metropolitan regions / 1976
A Smart Growth Bibliography : a Bibliography of Fiscal, Economic, Environmental, and Social Impact Methodologies and Models - By Category - / 1996
Citistates how urban America can prosper in a competitive world / 1993
Clean air standards : hearing before the Subcommittee on Health and the Environment of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One hundredth Congress, first session, February 19, 1987. 1987
EMPACT local urban environmental issues study of metropolitan areas in EPA Region 10. 2001
EMPACT local urban environmental issues study of metropolitan areas in EPA Region 7. 2001
EMPACT local urban environmental issues study of metropolitan areas in EPA Region 8. 2001
EMPACT local urban environmental issues study of metropolitan areas in EPA Region 9. 2001
Growth and settlement in the U.S. past trends and future issues / 1975
Institutions for urban-metropolitan water management : essays in social theory / 1972
Intergovernmental responsibilities for water supply and sewage disposal in metropolitan areas. 1962
Land use forms and the environment : an executive summary / 1975
Land use, urban form and environmental quality / 1974
Limitless city : a primer on the urban sprawl debate / 2002
Metropolitan areas 1990
Metropolitics : a regional agenda for community and stability / 1997
Modernizing urban land policy 1973
Next American metropolis : ecology, community, and the American dream / 1993
Population and Land Area of Urbanized Areas for the United States and Puerto and Rico: 1980 Supplementary report 1980
Population and land area of urbanized areas for the United States, 1970 and 1960 1979
Population of urbanized areas established since the 1970 census, for the United States, 1970. 1976
Quality of life indicators in U.S. metropolitan areas, 1970 : a comprehensive assessment / 1975
Regional City : planning for the end of sprawl / 2001
Smart growth : myth and fact. 1999
Smart growth tool kit : community profiles and case studies to advance Smart growth practices. 2000
The social burdens of environmental pollution : a comparative metropolitan data source / 1977
This could be the start of something big : how social movements for regional equity are reshaping metropolitan America / 2009
When city and country collide : managing growth in the metropolitan fringe / 1999

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